He paused. Cheerleaders...helping old people? "Whose idea was that?"
"The head cheerleader, of course. She's always doing stuff like that. Last month it was the senior blood drive, for the teachers and seniors over eighteen. It isn't just about the cheers. Cheer is like a family. I like helping people."
He tried not to look surprised. Cheerleaders...a force for good. This wish was taking a turn for the weird.
"I'm surprised you didn't hear about it from Stephanie."
"Why would she have told me?" he asked.
"Well, duh. You've been dating Stephanie Leeson for the last month. She can be a bit geeky sometimes, but she's on the squad."
He paused, contemplating the fact that Kyla was calling someone who had her family geeky. He wondered what Stephanie looked like now.