"It doesn't have to be a bad thing. I know I've changed...I'm still not quite sure exactly how, but I know I'm very different than I was before. I'm a Cheerleader, I like shopping and I think I have a texting addiction. It's all new to me too. I know I'm not the person you've known for so long, but if we became friends again maybe I'll become more like the person you remember. This might be the one chance to keep a part of my old life. That text I just got was the team telling me I have Yoga with them in an hour. I've never done Yoga, never talked with these girls, never shared things with them like I have with you. I don't know them, I don't know this life, but I do know you. I liked being your friend, and I don't want that to stop just because of some stupid magical whatever. Please just say thing to me.
Zoe stood with her back to Athena as her words passed over her. It was a touching speech. She turned, and with tears in her eyes said "ok".
With that the magic took hold in a rather unexpected way.
"So you'll come to Yoga with us?" Athena asked.
Yoga? Zoe thought, that wasn't part of the deal. She thought they would go inside and play catch up, maybe try and find some dresses the old Athena would have worn. But she found herself saying "Sure, that sounds fun." despite herself. It was the beginning of a long road.