Athena was more surprised than she was happy to see Zoe standing outside her house. It wasn't that she was unhappy to see Zoe, it was just unexpected, she had gotten so caught up in her new role as cheerleader, in her shopping and gossip, that she hadn't thought about her old life. She had tried texting Zoe, but there wasn't any response, and she had gotten side tracked by a rather flirtatious text from Tom Wells....which she was still unsure about...she felt like she needed the consent of the group before she should do anything there. Why was all this getting her so excited? Her friend Zoe was here, why was that so boring to her?
Zoe had a yellow sticky in her hand, which she began to read aloud. "You will slowly become best friends with the next person you talk to."
Both of them stopped in their tracks, staring each other down. Zoe gave the new Athena a quick look up and down, realized what had become of her, that she was now a cheerleader preppy girl. She thought that coming here to read the note would minimize the damage. She was already friends with Athena, now she found that her friend had been altered, and she wasn't quite sure if she still wanted this.
Athena heard the note being read and could see the wheels turning in Zoe's head afterwards. They had a long history, and while it felt like that part of their life might be over maybe it wasn't. While she was thinking about this her phone buzzed with a text, breaking the moment. Athena's new instincts kicked in and she reached for her phone. That action seemed to seal the deal for Zoe.
Zoe began to start walking away, being sure to keep silent. She had made an unspoken choice, this relationship was over, she would have to move on. She walked away a bit faster, tears starting to fill her eyes.
When Athena spoke.