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41. Winning the War

40. Religion Mechanics

39. Their Goddess

38. The Dead

37. Survivorship

36. Killing Him

35. War Crime

34. Their Plan

33. Meeting Them

32. Deployment

31. Hybridization

30. The Debrief

29. Alpha Mating

28. I Cum

27. My Mating

26. Gamma Cums

25. Gamma Mating

24. The Assignments

23. New Missions

22. Terror Attack

Yuushas of Hutania

avatar on 2022-04-23 09:07:40

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Feeling refreshed, the members of the rebel cell were ready. They bean got pray. Alpha, Gamma and I joined in. They got in the car soon after and began driving in their van. We gave them an hour before we all took to the air. I was not sure we would be back at the caverns ever again. It was time for the final push to the capitol. Delta asked why we would join them. I said "It sounded interesting to me. Besides, haven't you thought of what we are going to do when we aren't fighting? I want to travel and see the holy sites." Epsilon just scoffed and said "It's just a silly human superstition. I'm not dumb enough to believe it like you 3." "Then you can shut up and let us do what we need to then!" Gamma said quickly, shutting him down and ending the topic. It was good to see him being put in his place every once in a while. As soon as we entered the city limits of the capitol, the aeromorph was ready and waiting for us. The fight began instantly. With the series 01 fighting on the ground and controlling the air, there was no chance for the enemy fighter. She was double teamed and destroyed.

It was a decisive victory. The city was now ours, so we went directly to the palace. Alpha and I made our demands and gave the Sultan 10 minutes to come out into their courtyard and address us. When we did not see him, we destroyed the outskirts of the palace. It was a huge structure, so there was little fear of us hitting something very important. The Sultan came out and we made our demands. He was to abdicate the throne and allow Lunusaris to openly worship. He refused and said "Religion is a chain on humanity. I will break those rusted chains and usher in a new age for my people!" It was a bold declaration. I was wondering what to do when Epsilon said "You had your chance. If not you, someone else on the throne can do it." The Sultan glared at us and said "Do your worse, you metal dogs of war! I know I'm in the right. My house and my people won't bend to foreign interference." He was definitely a man willing to die for his cause. Epsilon did not care a single bit and fired on him. The once mighty Sultan before us was reduced to a red mist. Who would rule the country now?

Going down the line of succession, the Sultan's eldest sons also were intransigent. They were also killed by Epsilon. By this time, Lunusari rebels in the capitol stormed the palace. They knew who the members of the royal family were. It was when the fifth son, a boy 15 years old, came out that we had progress. Seeing his father and brothers die was obviously scary. Since he did not want to meet the same fate, he agreed to the demands. The boy was not ideologically married to the idea of making everyone in the kingdom atheist in the first place. He just simply happened not to believe in any gods. Adeep and the other rebel cell leaders became a council and were to help the young Sultan rule. Every religion was allowed to worship openly, but the Lunusari religion was made the official country religion by decree. It turned out that a war kike this was considered a holy war. The 3 of us that converted gained a level of devotion. The government also gave a sweetheart deal to Ixiti in purchasing oil for helping them out. We were interested in saving Zeta, so we rushed over to Mastooha.

Heaving and sobbing, we found Zeta crying alone on the outskirts of the city. She was chained up so that she could not move. People had been vandalizing her with all sorts of paint and markers. They also had a penchant for throwing stones. The enemy aeromorph had returned to Oplixo when things went bad in the capitol. Both Alpha and Epsilon used their paste to restore her good as new. They comforted her and she was certainly happy to see us. She had been impregnated by the enemy. It was decided that she would lay the eggs and let the Hutania military have them. Along with the eggs already gathered by the military there were now 7 future aeromorphs on the way for them. Hutania was on the verge of becoming a powerhouse in its own right. Due to this fact, I pulled Adeeb aside and had them write up some documents. It was clear from the expression on his face that happy to do so. One gave all 6 of us citizenship to this country. The second named us heroes. There was a ceremony to give us the rank of Yuusha, the highest award a warrior could achieve. I liked it.

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