I was going to have to flip through it at some point. It seemed that those that worshipped the sky, sun, stars and moon stretched across the whole continent. Those were the biggest religions over here. The various folk deities were mostly worshipped by local cults. There were some holy sites on the continent that people of the faith should endeavor to see. None of them were in Hutania, which was good. One of the holy sites that were for the people that worshipped the famed djinn of Sadamal was totally destroyed on the orders of the Sultan. Taking some time to skim through it, I decided there was nothing bad about joining the religion. Having a religion in the game could give you a perk depending on how pious you were. Since I was fighting in a war to liberate them, it would go a long way to getting those perks. However, you could not tell the perks until you joined them. I looked at them and said "I want to join you guys. How does one do it?" Everyone looked shocked at me. Adeeb said "Will the many wonders of Lunusa ever cease? Quickly, friend. Follow me!" The others were excited.
Dusk had fallen hours ago and it was fully night. The people prayed by getting down on their knees and placing their head on the ground. I had to do the same thing as them. To become a Lunusari, I had to profess Lunusa as a goddess and my goddess. I looked at the others and asked if they were going to also convert. Gamma as well as P02 Alpha hesitantly stepped over to where I was. They seemed like they were unsure of themselves, but willing to do it because I was doing it. The 3 of us got into position and repeated the rather long initiation prayer after them. When we got up, we were now Lunusari. I checked the menu to see the what the perks were. All of the devoted Lunusari had a 5% reduction of damage during the night or when the moon is visible. It increased by 2% for every level of Devotion. There were 5 levels of devotion for any religion. The Devotion level dictates how clergy and the lay members of the Faith look at you, ranging from Dutiful, Faithful, Devoted Servant, Paragon of Virtue, until you reach the massive +60 boost for being a Religious Icon. Pretty cool.
Everybody started out at Dutiful. You could also become a Sinner, which was a negative level of Devotion, by doing things that the region shuns or considers criminal. As a new convert I decided to check what those were. I did not want to be caught off guard. Lunusaris found kinslaying, adultery and blasphemy criminal. They shunned both cannibalism and witchcraft. I was very unlikely to do those things to be honest. Going on pilgrimages to the 5 holy sites allowed you to get certain perks as well. The nearest one was in Oplixo, but it was not a good idea to go after all of this fighting. The other 4 gave other nice perks. One gave 10% extra melee damage. Another in a country called Kajii gave a small 5% boost to fertility per Devotion level. A third holy site in Iviona gave a 50% boost to stealth. The fourth was in Cabusino. It granted the pilgrim Lunusari a 10% boost to health. I wanted to visit all of them at some point. Getting all of the perks would make me much better at the game. Anyway, the scouts and Adeeb were pleased and left. They seriously had to get some rest for tomorrow.