In the party hall, David saw some familiar faces. It was shaping out to be really fun. He had already danced with all the peaches that were with him. Henry's father came as an official emissary of the smith's guild. Both Henry and Maria came with them. The clerics from the small mosque that was for Tawni were also there. They brought along Quinn. Both of them were especially happy to see David. He made sure that they got a dance and listened to them. They were both excelling in their fields. Wendy and Bitey also made an appearance. David knew what that meant. They were on a mission. A mission to kill. David wanted to know who their target was. He discreetly approached Bitey. The peach gasped slightly. "Whose the target?" David asked. Bitey turned his head. "I don't know what you mean." he said. David rolled his eyes. He leaned closer and hissed "I'm the one who sent you out on your task. Tell me who your target is." Bitey pouted for a moment. He then sighed deeply and said "My target is Monsignor Hen." That was a pretty high up cleric. "Good luck with that." David said.
Going over to Wendy was the next objective. However, before he could leave, David's arm was grabbed. He gasped as he was taken to the dance floor. "I think that I've already been made here by guards. Dance with me for a bit. Please." he said. David nodded and said "Of course. How are you going to get the target though?" Bitey just smirked and said "That's up to me to figure out. Sorry, but just enjoy the party for now." David decided to leave it up to him. When the song was done, David bowed to him and moved over to Wendy. Bitey bowed back and winked. She was less surprised to see him because she saw him dance with Bitey. "I can't talk now. I have to take out my target. Sorry Joe. I really want to talk with you." she said sadly. David nodded and said "Tell me who your target here is." Wendy asked if she had to do it. David simply nodded his head again. She said "My target for the day is Instructor Folia of the college." He taught the Herald school. David sighed and said "Be very careful with him. He's pretty strong." It was a real warning. The rumors he had heard were brutal.
He saw that she paused and looked at him. She looked genuinely touched that he cared for her. "Thank you for the warning. I'll make sure to be careful." she said. After that, she went to a different corner to the room. There was a brief moment that he had to himself. He reached the punchbowl and poured himself a drink. Chris walked up to him with a glass with a different colored liquid. "Drink this! I made it for you." he said. David looked closer to at the glass and then at Chris. "Where did this even come from?" he asked. "My love. Now drink it. It tastes great!" Chris said as he rubbed his nose performatively. That put David off. He got an idea on where it came from and he did not like it. "This didn't come from your dick, did it?" he asked in disgust. Chris balked and said "What if it is, Joe!? It tastes great. I didn't even put any of my pollen in it so it can go down smooth." David refused to take the glass from Chris. "Hell no! Why would you think I'd drink that?" David snapped. "Because it's coming from us! If it was Alec asking, you'd say yes to it." Chris shot back. David shrugged. "If you say so."
It was so stupid, he saw no point in continuing the conversation. He left with the drink he poured and walked around the gala. It was then that he saw a stunning young woman entering the hall from halfway across the room. As the gala was already two thirds of the way over, she was pretty late to the party. Then again, it did not take too long to drink dance and make small talk with interesting people. Especially not someone with her looks. She was slightly taller than him with pitch black hair down to her shoulders and eyes the color of emeralds. Her skin was a deep tan and she had an hourglass figure. From her face, she looked about his age. David had never seen her before, so she was not apart of the Bard College. She was an NPC and he wanted to know more about her. David walked towards her. She saw him approach and simply smirked. He was stopped by a pair of imposing young men in leather armor with arms on their sheathed blades. "Back off. This is the daughter of the duke." one of them said with a scowl. The other chimed in with "Go bother some other person here."