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10. Everything Seems Normal

9. Science and Math - Yes, Same A

8. Jon Probes the Situation

7. Gender Role Reversal in Progre

6. Slumber Party: Leonard reads a

5. Not a Prank

4. The Guys Think Pete's Lingerie

3. Jon's Slumber Party

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon's Slumber Party: Everything Seems Normal

on 2017-07-21 17:23:28

1669 hits, 117 views, 0 upvotes.

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He breathed in the fresh air, then took a moment to look around the neighborhood, seeing some people in their backyards, doing various things. Were they changed too, or was it just his friends who were changing?

He could see Mrs. Wilson across the street working in her garden, a few people walking around...everything seemed to be normal. Maybe it was just them. If so, he needed to get himself out of this get-together before he was affected.

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