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25. Working Out

24. Reject Him

23. Alpha Politics

22. Rumor Mill

21. Dangerous

20. Going Home

19. Eat Him Out

18. Fuck Abner

17. Perfect Match

16. Find Abner

15. Bigger Crew

14. My Reward

13. 2 Fighters

12. Real Pool

11. Win Match

10. Play Darts

9. They Still Do

8. Party Invite

7. My Clique

6. Mixed Reults

Omega Physique

avatar on 2021-12-30 02:49:19

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It was only a matter of keeping our grades up. No one in the school could touch us. We still went to the boxing gym to train. All of us had managed to beat the trainer in a fight. That meant a new trainer stepped up. He was just a big softie though. We were all surprised when he was not a racist asshat to the minorities in the group. He just rolled his eyes. "You step into my ring, you're family. I'm not going to go easy on you, but you earned your spot here in the gym. Jacob doesn't go easy on outsiders. If you got passed him, you proved yourself to everyone that comes here." True to his word, he beat the shit out of us in open sparring. He did however, give basic training sessions on particular moves that we could use. These were very useful. Before, it was just endurance and footwork with the last trainer. Most of our bodies were slowly getting more fit and toned as we exercised and trained. A single exception was Abner his body was filling out more effeminately. Abner was looking more like Ansel as time went on. The others easily passed for betas. Abner was only just questionable.

My guess was that it was because he was getting fucked in the ass a lot by an alpha and beta. Francis and Ansel were fucking each other during their heats. Since they were just omegas, it apparently did less changes to their bodies because of that. When I said that to him, he was pretty miffed. "That's not fucking fair!" he grumbled. It was not, but that was just how their bodies worked. Even 10 minutes later, he was still pouting. Myles just slapped him in the ass. The slap rang out in the open air. He looked pissed as he rubbed the sore ass cheek. "What the fuck's your problem!?" he yelled. "At least you get a girlfriend out of it. Everyone else here uses their hands to get off, besides David." he teased. I shrugged. "You might want to either try topping her more often or cool it with sex altogether." I offered. Abner looked horrified with that last option. "Fuck! Looks like I'm going to be hitting the gym more often." he said. I smirked and said "Trying to convince Hellen to take it easy on your fat ass did not even cross your mind, did it?" His face went bright red in embarrassment. We laughed.

Now that the rough part was over, we could see the humor in it. It was clear what was going on here. Abner was the only one getting fucked in the ass. In fact, the others lost their virginity fucking the 2 alphas. On the way back to the dorm, we were stopped by a female Dukesh. She said that she was being abused. The joking stopped and we listened to her. Her name was Susanna Siddall. She had very little money in order to help make tuition, she had to take on odd jobs. One thing led to another, and she ended up prostituting. She was a beta, but there were some students that wanted to fuck a girl with apple red hair and crimson red eyes. One of the Blaqis johns that she went to on a regular basis caught feelings for her. He certainly had the money to help her pay for school, but she did not like him in the same way. When she refused to stop sleeping around and be his girlfriend, he got very jealous. He threatened to release pictures of her online and expose her to the school. It would get her expelled from school and ruin her reputation. "Show us the way." I said. It was a new quest.

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