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24. Reject Him

23. Alpha Politics

22. Rumor Mill

21. Dangerous

20. Going Home

19. Eat Him Out

18. Fuck Abner

17. Perfect Match

16. Find Abner

15. Bigger Crew

14. My Reward

13. 2 Fighters

12. Real Pool

11. Win Match

10. Play Darts

9. They Still Do

8. Party Invite

7. My Clique

6. Mixed Reults

5. My School

A Suitable Alliance

avatar on 2021-12-30 02:47:20

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Joining up with him mean that he would be the new leader of the Freebirds. I would be the second in command. He would personally fuck Amias as a sex slave because he had a particular attachment with messing with him. An alpha led gang would take the heat off of us. It would also give him the tonnage of prestige of bring us to heel. I knew that we were all well known and recognizable by know. We were especially useful since we could all fight. A gang needed good fighters. With this boon, he could be the top alpha going into the next school year. I turned it down. I was not selling out Amias or any member of my crew. It made him mad, but there was not much he could do. "Fuck you. This whole thing happened because you were after Amias. There is no way I'm abandoning my friend and giving you the school." I spat. "You are on my personal shit list now. You got that!?" he said before leaving us. He was outnumbered and Isaac was already here. I turned to him and he said "You could join me. If you do, I can offer you... benefits that Abimael simply can't." I was willing to hear him.

An alliance of Isaac was going to entail him bringing us around to personally apologize to all the offended alphas. Then he would have us be his personal bodyguard as he ran for student council president. The current president was seeking reelection and it was going to be a stiff competition. There tended to be lots of tension as alphas fought for dominance. Violence and blackmail were simply expected forms of campaigning. Once he got the role he wanted, he would formalize us in the school as the new Discipline Committee. "You would enforce the school dress code as well as punish truancy and delinquency." That sounded pretty fun. "We almost have a deal. I meant it when I said I would never give up my friends. Drop the whole take a Freebird of your choice and that election is as good as yours." He blinked and said "That was never spoken of. While I am sure any one who brought you to heel would have access to you, it wouldn't be enforced. How could they?" I shrugged. "Cowards who have to ask us to do their dirty work? You have to appraise the capabilities of others."

Keeping up our end of the deal, Isaac made us apologize to all the offended alphas. Some wanted more than just an apology from us, but Isaac kept them all in check by saying "You asked me to solve the problem. I am the one that did it and I will be the one that determines the remedy." Abimael and his 2 beta cronies became the new bread shuttles for the senior alphas. When school started up again, we aggressively campaigned for Isaac. We hit the ground running and got all of the omegas to vote for him. He ran on a platform that was openly friendlier to them than the current president. While he was not cruel to omegas, he turned a blind eye to the bullying they faced. He was an alpha after all. Isaac promised a safe place in both the dorms and school building where they could congregate and talk about issues freely. It was not hard. There were several lounges that could be reserved for events by the students living there. The top floor of the school was used by clubs that were not athletic. At least 3 were vacant. Having one of them be for omegas after school was no big deal.

Lifted by overwhelming omega support, Isaac took the presidency. It was close as he lost alpha support and they influenced the betas. There were simply less of them than the omegas though. He was indeed a man of his word and instated all of his campaign promises. The freshman Math teacher was a paired omega. She was able to sponsor the safe space at school and was happy to do so. When the Discipline Committee was instituted, the school wanted an alpha to chair it. "Concerns about actual enforcement" arose according to Isaac. We had a way around it. Hellen was still dating Abner. She was chairwoman and I was vice-chairman. The Freebirds were back in business and we had full reign to employ corporal punishment. That meant that each of us were armed with kendo sticks on school grounds. We had armbands with a purple raptor on it to tell us apart. Power allowed us to get a foot in the door. We had something to put on resumes for colleges. I encouraged them to focus on getting into the same college. There was a good regional university a few towns over.

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