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6. Mixed Reults

5. My School

4. My Place

3. Omegaverse

2. Now Loading

1. The Future of Gaming

Everyone's Score

avatar on 2021-12-26 21:26:45
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2022-04-13 22:16:47

450 hits, 24 views, 1 upvotes.

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Countering them and staying on my feet was my strategy. In a 5on1 fight, you had to make sure you were not surrounded. By circling them and moving away, I was able to get pot shots on those who got too far from the others in the group. I knocked out Silas and Absalom before I got into critical health. Abimael got a luck punch and knocked me out. I was still conscious but stunned on the ground with tunnel vision. I could also hear, but it was a bit muffled. Since they were also low, they decided to pick up their wounded and leave. When I got enough HP back to stand up, I made my way to the dorm where I was supposed to be living. The others could tell I got beat up. It was nothing I could hide, so I told my friends when they asked. "Those fucking Osis cowards. Couldn't fight us 1on1 like real men." Levi spat. "Pieces of shit!" Alden said in agreement. Amias just looked sorry for me. "I got my hits in. I punched Silas and Absalom's lights out." I chuckled. The Ganes pat me on the back. Thursday came and it was the start of a holiday. After the half day where we got the results, we went home.

I had nowhere to go, so I just stayed at the dorms. Ivan, Allen, and Amias were leaving to see their parents. They would be back on Monday. There were some students that were also staying for the holiday. Walking around the dorms, I saw some classmates. I spoke to them, but they were very guarded. Paranoia overrode trust. No one knew who was who anymore. If you were an alpha, it was like a wolf in sheep's clothing. That was especially true if you were an omega. The best way to handle it in my opinion was to, forgive the pun, hide my power level. I claimed I was an Omega with a gender level of 21. That was a 2-fold strategy. One benefit was that other Omegas and the Betas were able to confide in me. Alphas grew more confident around me, and some tried to put their hands on me. I just beat them up and kept moving. By the time for lights out on Sunday, I knew what most members of my class were. In general, the distribution of the alphas, betas and omegas were 10-60-30. Our class was oddly proportional in this way as well. 17 classmates were Betas. 9 were Omegas and 3 were Alphas.

Down the line of the students I knew, Abimael, a male Blaqis and a Nudria female were the Alphas in the class. The Omegas were Abner, Myles, Amias, 2 Blaqis females as well as 1 male and female Nudria and the 2 Osis females. Out of the 9 real Omegas, 3 were not wearing collars. They were Abner, Myles and the male Nudria. His name was Emory Pymer. I was not wearing one either. Because teachers are required to know these things, the school had revealed the secondary genders to them. If the students did not sign the waiver, the results would be made public to the students as well. All 9 of them were revealed. When the ones without collars were called out for us, I saw Abner and Myles flinch. They had been the bullies of the class before. Now, they were likely to become a part of the bullied. At lunch, I watched as Abimael called Amias, Emory, Abner and Myles over to him when the history teacher left the room. They got up slowly and made their way over. He smirked at them and said "We all know you guys are Omegas. You might as well tell us your Gender level too. Just to be safe."

Emory looked him up and down and said "I'm a 26, asshole." Abimael just glanced at him and said "Alright." Then, he looked at the others. "Next!" he then snapped as a malicious grin formed on his face. He pointed to Amias. It was not going to go well. "U-uh 42!" he said in fear. All the classmates in the room looked at each other at this. I was aware of it too. That was pretty high. Abner was a 56. That got a glare from the other Osis members not called up. Myles was even worse. He was an 82. That admission got audible gasps from the room. "What the fuck is this shit, huh!? You 2 got the highest omega scores here! Do you know how bad that makes us Osis look by comparison!? I mean, c'mon! Even Amias isn't going to be shaking his ass as much as you will." he snapped. Abner and Myles looked ashamed. Abimael just grimaced and said "You 3 can buy us something to eat. You all know what we like by now." That was when I stood up. "I don't know what you think is going to happen in here just because you're an Alpha, but I don't abandon friends. Amias is eating with me." I said.

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