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215. Things Begin to Converge

214. Zoe the CEO

213. Jon Has Lost Hope

212. of fto school

211. Mom and Daughter Talk

210. the next morning

209. Mikey and Chores

208. Bedtime

207. Tomorrow is a School Day

206. Mikey and Sarah

205. Mikey Discovers Another Surpri

204. Dinner with the Family (Alt)

203. Dinner with the Family

202. Robert at the Gibson's

201. Zoe isn't Good with Young Kids

200. Amanda has news for Zoe

199. Amanda and Zoe

198. Robert needs to be somewhere e

197. Talking Things Out (Alt)

196. Zoe Takes Charge

Slowly Swapping: People Begin to Converge

on 2016-10-22 15:30:50

1060 hits, 71 views, 0 upvotes.

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Yes, life couldn't get any better she thought as she enjoyed the view.

But not everyone thought so. Elsewhere in town, Gary Meadows was not having such a good time. His own wife was treating him like a teenager and insisting she was a single mother with three kids.

Biff seemed to think Gary was his sister. And Gary was having a hard time playing along. He really had no idea what teenage girls acted like nowadays...except maybe Sarah. But Sarah wasn't acting like Sarah anymore...and...

Biff gave Gary a apparently the new him had failed his driving test.

Meanwhile, Mikey was waiting to be picked up by Biff. He was incredibly nervous about pulling off high school, despite the fact he was Mikey and his ego told him he could handle anything.

He sat at the kitchen table, having a light breakfast, watching his Mom fuss over Sarah...a little annoyed. He had barely thought about his family when he was with Biff. But now, he felt like they were focusing more on a stranger than him.

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