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214. Zoe the CEO

213. Jon Has Lost Hope

212. of fto school

211. Mom and Daughter Talk

210. the next morning

209. Mikey and Chores

208. Bedtime

207. Tomorrow is a School Day

206. Mikey and Sarah

205. Mikey Discovers Another Surpri

204. Dinner with the Family (Alt)

203. Dinner with the Family

202. Robert at the Gibson's

201. Zoe isn't Good with Young Kids

200. Amanda has news for Zoe

199. Amanda and Zoe

198. Robert needs to be somewhere e

197. Talking Things Out (Alt)

196. Zoe Takes Charge

195. Confrontation

Slowly Swapping: Zoe The CEO

avatar on 2016-10-22 08:57:23

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Zoe Hammond smiled as she drove into work that morning. Live couldn't get any better she thought. She owned a successful business, she had a beautiful wife and that wife was now pregnant. She couldn't wait to tell Richard and Mark the news.

Fortunately Zoe knew where she was going. Everyone in town new where the Hammond business tower was. It was so tall that you could see it from almost everywhere in town.

Zoe pulled her black Maybach into the parking spot that was reserved just for her and then picked up her briefcase and then got out. She adjusted her tie and then entered the building.

"Good morning Mr Hammond!" The pretty receptionist greeted her.

"Morning Susan" Zoe said as she read the name tag pinned on her her chest. Zoe walked over to the private elevator and pushed the button. This particular elevator only went to her office on the top floor.

Upon reaching the floor Zoe stepped out and went over to her desk and placed the briefcase on it. She then poured herself a mug of coffee and then stood by the window as she drank it.

Yes, life couldn't get any better she thought as she enjoyed the view.

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