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205. Mikey Discovers Another Surpri

204. Dinner with the Family (Alt)

203. Dinner with the Family

202. Robert at the Gibson's

201. Zoe isn't Good with Young Kids

200. Amanda has news for Zoe

199. Amanda and Zoe

198. Robert needs to be somewhere e

197. Talking Things Out (Alt)

196. Zoe Takes Charge

195. Confrontation

194. Speeding

193. Zoe to the rescue

192. Crisis at the Hammonds

191. At the Clubhouse

190. Alex

189. Sally's date

188. Time for a Date

187. Tea with Emily

186. Sharon Makes a Decision But Je

Slowly Swapping: Mikey Discovers Another Surprise

on 2016-10-20 05:24:44

1127 hits, 70 views, 1 upvotes.

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"Mikey! Don't be so rude!" Roger said crossly. "I won't have you talking like that about my daughter.".

Mikey frowned. "Sorry."

Roger accepted the apology and then started serving out the meal.

Sarah looked at Mikey. "You're in the same class as Karyn, right? A junior?"

"What?" Mikey said.

"In school..." Sarah said.

Some things in Mikey's head suddenly started to click. He gave Sarah a good look over. "What grade are you in?" He asked her.

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