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10. Werewolves

9. Library Again

8. More Spawns

7. Friendly Thugs

6. Jadesbane

5. Emerging

4. ... the final game

3. ... it had been so long since

2. ... it was the first of many y

1. The Future of Gaming

Market Confrontation

avatar on 2021-12-20 10:40:08

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Only by killing and feeding frequently could one break through their limits. When we got a few weeks in, they were able to finally manifest powers. They could now simply regenerate using blood if they got hurt. That was an old power that I had. As time went on, that might become a feature of the clan. I found some poor women that were homeless and brought them to the clan house. I told them that they would only be fed if they had sex with us. The group had nothing better to do. I paired up Sharon with a blushing Connor. Erica was with Tristan. Violet was sleeping with Elliot. Rhiana was mine. It turned out to be Connor first time. I watched over the others before fucking my woman. Building the number of the clan was going to be a slow project. Hopefully, they became Normal vampires. If not, we could pair them up to have kids. From there, we could turn the women and have more children with them. The offspring would then be pureblooded, elite vampires. We needed them as muscle for the clan. In a few generations, we would have a great base of power. And I would be the head of it.

I was more than aware that the Hunters were alerted to the decimation of the Emerald Snakes. We were not subtle. They spawns had enough blood and enough time up to trust them to go see their families. I told them to not let them see that they were there. They deserved to say their goodbyes. It seemed that they were not good at that task. Marcus, Elliot's girlfriend and Connor's sisters came to visit the house very often. I just let them come and go as they pleased. As long as they did not tell the authorities about us, it would be fine. I was able to get a job at a forge. I used my mind control powers to make him hire me. With the access to the forge, I was able to forge a longsword as well as a shortsword and shield combination. Using some runes, I was able to add fire damage to the weapons as well as resistance to any cold or fire damage. I was now going to be a force to reckon with. When the women got pregnant, I was happy. I thought that things were really going our way until I bumped into some woman in the market. She was pretty surprised at first, but she then sniffed the air.

Pausing at the action, she took a swipe at me in anger. I dodged it. I noticed that her nails were black points. This was a werewolf. "Get out of here, you corpse." she growled. Others around us then turned to me in anger. I had somehow stumbled into a werewolf pack. I could take them all on, but it was broad daylight. We would all be screwed. I raised my hands and backed away slowly. I ended up bumping into a young man. He grabbed hold of me and pressed something sharp against my spine. As screwed as I was, I froze. "Come with me." the young man said. I nodded and let him lead the way. When we got far enough away, he said "Ha! I caught a vampire out in the day. This is going to get me so much at my lodge." I just looked at him. "I'm not going to go with you." He frowned and pulled his knives out, but it was too late. I ran at him and ripped his heart out his chest. That's not something a low-level scrub could deal with. Even the master hunters would die at my hands. I continued walking to the house. Dodging all the hunters was as easy as pie. I made my way home safely, sighing.

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