Looking around, I decided to go back to the library. I saw Alexander there reading again. It did not look like Willimena was anywhere in sight. He looked at me and said "I did not know you were part of the Jade Rats." I shook my head and said "I found the clothes. I'm actually really poor." He rolled his eyes at me. "I need to study harder to be the best I could be. Our hunter's lodge specializes in magic and we have to be ready if any appear." I looked at him and asked "Let's say you find a puppy that turns into a kid. Would you seriously kill the kid? Really!?" He looked at me like I was stupid. "Of course I would. A puppy grows into a ferocious wolf. A "cute kid" can still rip a man's throat out." he said firmly. That was that. I just shrugged and left it at that. He was an NPC after all. I decided to sit near him as he read. That took a few hours. I took the time to read some history books as he focused on advanced magic theory and spell books. When he was done, he got up and looked at me. I just looked back. I was not backing down at all. "If you keep up coming here, we might meet again." he said.
I just nodded at him with a smile. I would like to be friends with him. That would be a nice thing. He was not a direct threat to me. Alexander could also be a great asset in the fight against werewolves if they all began to rise up again. He left and I spent some time walking around. I then encountered the Emerald Snakes, a rival gang in the city. They tried to attack me. I just beat them all up and took some of their weapons. They had a rifle and a pistol each. I took one of each gun and then the magazines. A shout from the guards made me run off. I was not trying to get attacked and put on the wrong end of the law. That could be a long arc and force me out of the city. There needed to be a stable place to live to serve as a headquarters. In fact, I needed to get some blood for my new spawn. They were going to need help. As human-vampires newly born, they would be weak and thirsty. I went over to where the Emerald Snakes were and beat up some of them. I was able to drag a couple of them to the house and tied them up. All I needed to do was wait for the sun to set. I was a gold and blacksmith.
My ability in these skills would allow me to make masterworks if given the time. I needed to find a forge and some raw materials. I did not have any on me. Going there would not be beneficial at the moment. I had to be there to help a trio of spawn feed. When it was time, I dug them all up and brought them in the house. All of them were a bit confused and pliant. Elliot was still pissed off at me though. They were thirsty and really amenable to feeding on their rivals. They lunged at them and drained them all dry. After that, we went around and killed all the Emerald Snakes we could find. They pretty much gorged themselves on the blood of their enemies. That was going to be good. I told them to wait in the house while the sun was up to keep them alive. They nodded and I spent the day with them. We played cards and hung out. They were working class lads that lost their jobs at the docks. To make ends meet, they joined up with the gang. I just listened to them. Elliot tried to sideswipe me in anger. I just caught him and wrestled him on the floor. "If you really wanted to fuck, you could just say so."
Nobody wanted to speak up. I could see that they were all uncomfortable. They were more than uncomfortable. They were disturbed. Actually, I could see why they were feeling this way. If I acted this way with him, they would not feel safe either. "In fact, I want to show you something. When the sun goes down today, you are going to go over to Marcus. You are going to push him down and ride his dick until he cums in your ass." He shook his head to defy me, but I just said "I order you." He groaned and clutched his head for a minute. He then stopped and then whimpered. I rubbed his back. He shrugged me off. "Fuck off! Marcus is like a brother to me!" he snapped. He was really angry. Tristan came forward and said "Dannyboy. Can you stop it!? Please!? We all grew up together. We are all like brothers. Marcus is gonna get married to his girl soon." He was also pretty agitated. That made sense to me. "Fine. You don't need to rape him. Don't do it. I'm sorry for doubting your bonds." When the night came, I had them go around and find more Emerald Snakes. They drank more blood.