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8. More Spawns

7. Friendly Thugs

6. Jadesbane

5. Emerging

4. ... the final game

3. ... it had been so long since

2. ... it was the first of many y

1. The Future of Gaming

Some Dirty Tricks

avatar on 2021-12-20 10:37:02

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A minute later and he was dead on the floor. I had to take a breather. We still had a lot of things to do, but it took a lot of energy and time to feed. I then went for Tristan. I wanted to use the house for my own. He began to moan as well. When he was dead, I was fully done. I was full and by glamor wore off. Elliot and Marcus began to clear the mind fog. "What the fuck!?" Marcus said when he saw the 2 on the ground. "Vampire!" Elliot yelled. I was still a league ahead of them. I was able to beat them up and threw them into each other. "You can wait for me to get settled. The only way you're getting out is if you give me your ass." I said. They looked at each other and Elliot did a fake out before throwing Marcus at me. That made me laugh. I just dodged Marcus and grabbed hold of Elliot. "You really don't know who I am, do you!? Oh well." I then looked at Marcus. "Well, he threw you away the second he could to survive. What should I do to him?" Marcus looked at Elliot as he began to struggle and cry in my grasp. He was getting nowhere, and he knew it. "You fucking bastard! You know my dad!"

Just looking up at him, Elliot said "You know Isabelle is waiting on me!" Marcus just sucked his teeth. "Since fucking is all you can think about right now, let Dannyboy here take care of you!" he snapped. That was all I needed. I just had a small jerk of my hands to pull his pants down. "H-hey hey hey! Stop it. I'm not into guys, no matter how girly you look!" he stuttered as he tried to squirm away. I just chuckled. "The more you struggle and make me go out of my way to fight, the faster I'll be able to bite again." I informed them. That made them both freeze up. I pushed Elliot on all fours and grabbed him by the hips. I began to grind on his ass just for fun. Elliot began to whimper in fear. "I'm almost ready. Do you want to fuck, or do you want to be bitten?" I asked. "Just kill me already then!" he yelled. I decided to stop toying with him. As a real human being, him begging for death was actually not okay to me. When I just leaned forward, and moved his hair out of the way, he flinched. I bit into his neck. He was scared out of his mind. I could taste it. When I was done, he slumped down, lifeless.

Killing 3 of them was a good start. I looked over at Marcus. "Listen. I will let you go. No one will be able to stop me, so don't try. I know about your father now." I reminded him. Marcus went pale and nodded slowly. I raised both of my hands and let him run out of the house. I sighed and got up. I needed to go and dig some ditches. If they were left out in the sun, they would die. Sunlight would disintegrate them. I saw there was a shovel in a shed behind the house. With the shovel in my hand, I got to work in the garden. I got finished in time to chuck all 3 of the bodies in. I covered the hole and looked around the house for more clothes. I got his street clothes on and just went around town. I still had a lot of money from the gambling den. It was enough to see that I could live a pretty nice life. I ran into even more members of the gang. The appropriation of their gear made them angry. They all chased me around the city. I lost them when I made my way to a patrol of city guards. They gave me dirty looks. It was pretty good. "Keep your nose clean, urchin!" one snapped at me. The other scoffed.

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