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7. Friendly Thugs

6. Jadesbane

5. Emerging

4. ... the final game

3. ... it had been so long since

2. ... it was the first of many y

1. The Future of Gaming

Turning the Tables

avatar on 2021-12-20 10:35:41

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I looked at him and asked more about him. He was an apprentice hunter that specialized in hunting werewolves with magic. Werewolves could kill vampires with all their sharp claws and fangs. Especially the bigger and older ones you might find in some clans. They also had a natural knack with earth magic. Alexander had a partner that was also in the library. She came over to get him. "Alex, can we go there now!? We've been here all night." she said in a whining tone. It looked like Alexander was the more studious of the pair. He just scowled at her and said "Fine, Willimena. We can go if you never want to get ahead." He then got up and turned to me. "I'm sure that you can find your way back to your lodgings, milord." he said bitterly to me. I nodded and said "I'm happy that you're a hunter of werewolves. They are pretty scary." He rolled his eyes and left. It was time for me to go. There was no way for me to get money. It was 110,000 years since I had all my money. I was a beggar in filthy noble's clothes. I decided to walk the streets. Something would happen and I could go from there.

Getting to an alleyway a few blocks from the library, I decided to walk down it to see what was on the other side. As I continued walking down the way, I was met by a trio of low tier thugs. They were wearing winter cloaks and cloth masks covering the lower halves of their faces. I saw that they were dressed for the season. They were joking amongst themselves until they saw me. All of them went really quiet. That usually was not a good thing. I tried to pass them, but they predictably blocked my way. I wanted to smile, but I held it in. They wanted money from me that I did not have. "Well, that's unfortunate. You're going to have to find a way to make some money quick then, huh?" one of them said. "We know a way you can make some money quickly." another chimed in as he positioned themselves behind me. He draped his thick arm across my shoulders. The third pulled out a coin pouch and handed it to me. I looked in it and saw it was full of silver coins. They then guided me around town to a seedy gambling den. Their names were Tristan, Elliot and Marcus. They were really friendly.

Holding the door open, they let me inside. I was brought to a bunch of gamblers. They told me to sit and play. "Don't worry. Just keep playing until you can pay me back. I can wait." Marcus said. I nodded and began to play their games. It was obviously rigged, but that did not matter when you could use mass mind control. Even when I lost a game, I made them think that I won. Panic began to set in after I won 12 times in a row. Since I was with the trio, playing it up with them was great. They were sweating bullets when I slipped the ill-gotten gains into their pockets. I got up and said "It was great when I was playing, but I need to get going." The boss just pointed at the trio and said "Get the hell out!" We left and made our way to the alley again. When we finally got back, I looked at them. "Now that we are back and much richer, I'm going to get going." I continued going, but Tristan stopped me. Then a pipe appeared in each of their hands. "End of the line, Dannyboy! You forgot a rule. The house always wins here. Even when you think you did." They then all attacked. That was totally fine with me.

I put them all in a trance and made then drop their pipes. "Alright. We are going to play a game." I said. Just as I was going to speak, another gang member came with a pistol came and shot at me. I dodged the bullet and ran at him. I knocked him down and beat him up. I dragged him over and questioned him. His name was Connor. He was a bit younger and scrawnier than the others. "Alright. Connor, Tristan, Elliot and Marcus. You 4 are all coming with me. First off, where do you guys live?" I told them with a smirk. Connor lived with his mother and sisters. Elliot was living with a girlfriend. Marcus lived with his ailing father. Tristan lived on his own. That settled it for me. I had Tristan lead us to his home. Once we were inside, I said "You 4 are going to be my new clanmates. You should consider yourselves lucky. You are going to the pillars of the new Jadestone Clan." I pulled Conner closer and leaned into his neck. I bit him and began to drink his blood. He began to moan out loud as vampire bites had an aphrodisiac effect. He grew weaker with time. Eventually, he went into a cardiac arrest.

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