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6. Jadesbane

5. Emerging

4. ... the final game

3. ... it had been so long since

2. ... it was the first of many y

1. The Future of Gaming

Late Night Scholar

avatar on 2021-12-20 10:34:26

268 hits, 8 views, 1 upvotes.

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Doing the most to keep appearances, I walked from the gates of the park to the street. A chill in the air made me realize that it was winter. Going to all the buildings in the distance, I could see that there was a library. When I had all the land and property, it was a rural area on the outskirts of the kingdom's poorest duchy. It seems that the area has become a small city in my absence. I did not have any shoes on my feet, so it was pretty cold. I did not mind because I was so strong. At the library, there was a light on inside. That was comforting as it was the middle of the night. I went inside and there were only a few people inside. I looked at the people and saw that there was a young man in the back with his face buried in a stack of thick tomes. I decided he would be my best bet. I went over to him and sat next to him. I tapped him on my shoulder and whispered "Excuse me. My name is Danny. I'm new here. Can you tell me a bit about the city?" He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. He sneered and said "An eccentric noble, huh? I can tell you more about the city. My name is Alexander."

Even though he seemed to think lowly of me, he looked proud of being able to tell me about the city. That was fine with me. I needed the information. If he was not going to do it, I would have hypnotized him into doing it. It was better to hide my true power level until I got a good grasp on the game. Since I last logged in, there was a full-on bloody Mexican standoff war amongst werewolves, humans, and vampires. All the major vampire and werewolf clans were destroyed. The hunters scraped by the skin of their teeth and just managed to destroy half of the royal vampire family. That by no means meant that either faction was totally dead. That was not possible by design in the game. I was going to be one of the oldest vampires remaining when I found a way to meet up with them. This city was known as Jadesbane City. It was a rip on my clan name. My coffin was in a secret compartment in the basement. When the clan was destroyed and the manor was torched, I was fine. A royal park was built ontop of the spot. I could always start over, so I was fine about it. Human civil wars happened too.

Fourteen different dynasties had taken the throne and fell before the last one. Then there were the brutal invasions from other countries and empires. The Independence revolts were frequent. Sometimes they succeeded for a bit of time. There was even a few werewolf and vampire rulers in the history. The current name of the country was Sopili, named after the capitol. They were under the rule of an empire that took over the neighboring 2 countries as well. It was the Fedulian empire under the Jillian dynasty. We were apparently under the reign of the sixteenth emperor, Emperor Damian. Vampires and werewolves were to be killed on sight and hunters were strong and well-funded. There were even several such groups. All with different focuses, specialties and ideologies. That did not matter to a Level 99 vampire like me. I could kill them all if needed. I had Hypnosis, Mind Control, Haemopotent Regeneration, Hematokinesis, Wing Manifestation, Blood Cloning, Absorptive Merging and Pyrokinesis. I was confident. Those were all pretty good abilities to have. Alexander was now done.

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