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13. It Is Jon's House...Well...Sor

12. Heading Home

11. Linda's Day (Alt)

10. The Next Morning

9. That night

8. Slowly Swapping: Gym Class

7. Slowly Swapping: Time for scho

6. Slowly Swapping: Jeans and a f

5. Slowly Swapping: Jon tries to

4. Slowly Swapping: Underwear

3. Slowly Swapping

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Slowly Swapping: It is Jon's House...Well..Sort Of

on 2016-08-13 04:16:15

790 hits, 55 views, 0 upvotes.

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When they arrived at Jon's house, he paused. "I thought we were going to..." He paused a second time. "Which one of us lives here?"

"I do," Karyn said, using her key in the lock. They headed inside. "Hi, was work?"

Jon looked up...but it wasn't his mother he saw. It was Bethany Black. She was dressed in business attire. Karyn's mom was a housewife. His mom had a job at a law firm.

"Fine, dear," she said.

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