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11. New Avatar

10. Piloting Roles

9. Synchronization

8. True Trick

7. Police Officer

6. Loading

5. Return with Groceries

4. Tim plugs in...


2. Knocked out by...

1. The Future of Gaming

End of Trial Period

avatar on 2021-12-14 02:56:14

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I made sure to keep him out of conversation as much as possible for him to relax. He seemed grateful whenever I would step in to get him off the hook. For me, it was no big deal. That was not something that he needed to deal with when he was the one that helped me out so much by joining up with us. When the time we had left finally elapsed, we were gathered on the main field and dismissed from there. Ethan had found 3 of his childhood friends that were also taking the SWAT team tryouts. They were named Avery Benson, Diane Connor and Caleb Anthony. Avery Benson was a black haired, blue eyed femboy. Caleb Anthony was a nerdy looking guy with brown hair and reddish-brown eyes. Diane Connor was an athletic tomboy with dark blue hair and gray eyes. They were going to go over to a restaurant to eat and then watch a movie. Ethan invited Brody and me along. We both took him up on the offer. It was a Chinese restaurant. I did not need to eat, but I had a small serving of lo mein. The food was good. After that was an action anime movie about highschoolers with powers.

Mostly entertaining, I thought it was a good movie. The others seemed to agree. I tried to get closer to Diane, but I could not do it. Apparently, the avatar was not really interested in having a romantic or sexual relationship with her. I was able to flirt with the guys though. That was not happening. Yet another reason to change the avatar. I was bisexual but, when it came to guys, I was a top. I needed a dick, which I did not have, for that. Luckily, there was a barracks for the cadets to live in. I was there and I found my bed. I laid down until morning and got up when everyone else did. It was the day that we were going to get the results back. We were told to report to the lecture hall. Once we were all there the same officer from the day before wheeled in a cart with folders on it. "These folders contain your results and initial assignments. I am proud to have been your trainer. Come up when you hear your name." he said. He then began calling out names. When my name was called, I went up, saluted him, shook his hand, and received the big folder. I got into the SWAT team at cadet rank 18.

Now that I had helped Tim E. Boi get into the SWAT team, the time for the NPC trial run had come to an end. The trial runs last for one hour, which means not much time had passed in the real world. I was given the choice to go forward and keep this avatar, or make a real one. I chose to make a new one. This one had my body and facial features. I added a couple of inches and some more muscle tone. I made my hair a slicked back undercut with the sides short and black and the hair on top a blazing yellow-orange. Because I had done the trial and ranked so highly, I could give myself any position on the force that I wanted. I obviously chose the SWAT team. I was going to be on the same division as the trial avatar. I had to walk through the streets to the SWAT team headquarters. As a rookie, I was given a partner. The partner I got was named Riley Cassidy. He was a chill, athletic guy. His sandy blond hair and dark gray eyes made him look kind. We talked a bit in the hallway together before I saw them. Tim, Ethan, Brody, Diane, Avery and Caleb were all walking towards the lockers.

Only 10 of us 21 members had to be on call at any time. If something broke out that needed us, we would respond to it quickly. If needed the others would be called in to action from wherever they were in the city. Because of an uncertainty, we needed to have our mecha suits on at all times while on call. There were 3 colors of suits: magenta, cyan and yellow. They corresponded to the 3 roles. Magenta was for Mobility. Cyan was for Weapons. Yellow was for Maintenance. I chose the Weapons suit. I was too good at it not to. The top part was cyan, but the bottom part was a dark turquoise. Riley took the yellow. His top was a bumblebee yellow and the bottom was a dijon, It looked good on him. Aside from the squad, Riley and me, there were 2 other SWAT team members here. They were Taylor Rose and Selene Jaxon. Taylor Rose was another femboy with white hair and pink eyes. Selene Jaxon was a femme fatale with full red lips, long black hair and piercing blue eyes. Ethan, Caleb and Tim were the other Weapon suit wearers. Brody and Taylor joined Riley in Maintenance suits. I saw the rest of the members were wearing the magenta Mobillty suits. The top was magenta, but the bottom was a plum purple.

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