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10. Piloting Roles

9. Synchronization

8. True Trick

7. Police Officer

6. Loading

5. Return with Groceries

4. Tim plugs in...


2. Knocked out by...

1. The Future of Gaming

Teaming Up

avatar on 2021-12-14 02:54:35

332 hits, 15 views, 1 upvotes.

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Just important as getting a high enough synchronization rate to turn it on and operate the massive mecha was mastering the roles. Each role was very essential for their mecha to function well. The first was Mobility. The pilot in control of that had a lot on their plate. They had to move the mecha, whether on the ground or in the air. There were the rocket propulsion systems, wheels on the feet, and standard walking cycles. The second role in operation was Weapons. They were the ones using the various tools and weapons for the SWAT team. The third role was Maintenance. They had to keep an eye on internal clocks that displays the internal battery power remaining in the mecha. It was not on the back of there hands at this size because it was so much. They also had to take care of assessing damage and allocating energy to and from areas that needed it. "Okay boys. Focus your mind on the pod and try to synchronize. It goes from 0 to 300. We need you to get to 225." Ethan and I already had 154 of it locked down. After focusing hard for a moment, the meter filled all the way up to 241.

Keeping it together, a 241 meant a synchronization average of 80%. It also meant that Brody had an 87% rate on his own. "Hey guys? Do either of you mind if I take on the Weapons role? I think I'll be good at it." he said. Brody shook his head at me furiously. Ethan said "I kind of wanted it, but there's nothing stopping us from doing all of them." That was true. I was on Weapons first. We then were shown a simulation on the screen of the cockpit. There was a computer-generated enemy. We attacked it with all of the different SWAT issue weapons. Ethan was on Mobility and Brody was on Maintenance for the first run. When it was done, we decided to switch roles. I was now on Maintenance and the Weapons role went to Ethan. I made sure to look at all of the status screens. When we got hit, I took a bit of power from the shorting right arm and diverted it to the rocket boosters for more speed. The second run was also a success. We asked if Brody wanted a turn with the Weapons role. He flinched and said "N-no! I mean... I like the Maintenance role. Thanks." I did not need to probe further.

Leaving the pod, Ethan got in the middle of us and glomped onto me and Brody. We both flinched as neither of us expected it. "Wanna hang out after we get dismissed?" he asked. I was down. "Y-you want to hang out... with a guy like me?" he asked. He was blushing and it seemed he was getting some idea in his head. For his sake, I wanted to make things clear. "Yeah. We do. Since we worked together as cadets in the simulation, we can hang out and see if we want to be friends." His dark green eyes went wide. "Friends! I-I get to be friends with you two!? he exclaimed in disbelief." "Hell yeah, Brody! You were great back there on Maintenance." Ethan praised. A guy like him could use some praise now and again. "Do you want to go and be friendly with us. We should ask you first." I said clearing my throat. He snapped his attention to me and said "Y-yeah! I want to be... friends." We then hung around each other for the rest of the time allotted to us for tryouts. Others came up to talk to the extremely extroverted Ethan. The extremely introverted Brody struggled to keep up.

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