Nothing much happened for the rest of the day. Jon was eagerly waiting to get home so he could try to undo this situation. He barely paid attention to his classes, just wanting to get through them.
After school, he raced home, and pulled out the stone. "I wish that whatever caused the changes in reality hadn't happened," he said. Nothing. He tried a few other combinations, including wishing to know what was going on. It didn't work.
He tried testing to see if the stone still worked. "I wish that I picked a different shirt to wear this morning." And suddenly, he was. And in his drawer, the shirt he'd worn all day, folded, and clean.
He wondered what he should do now. Would he just have to live with being the only one who knew that things were different?
When Buffy left the school, Jay Duncan was waiting for her, and he had Randy Goodman with him. "I'm going to prove to you that you could be hot, if you tried," Jay said. "Randy's cousin agreed to help with the girl stuff too."
"I...can't you just leave me alone?" Buffy said, softly.
Randy looked at her. "We're trying to help you. You want to be helped, don't you?" From him, it sounded more like a threat then help. Buffy shuddered, getting the feeling she wouldn't be given a choice.
Shawn looked for Buffy after school, but couldn't find her. She'd been avoiding him since the events of last night. He did spot the girl from last night walking, and went to investigate.
Kyla once again didn't get a lift from Jay after school. But her three new boys drove her home. Jay would cave in first with this game of his..hanging out with the nerd girl.
Melony Stevens was in the backyard, playing with her dollies. She'd spent the whole day at school. She remembered who she was, if no one else did. But it was getting harder and harder to overcome the sense she was supposed to be a six year old. She knew she was supposed to be bigger. But...while she knew things were missing, she couldn't quite remember what was missing.
The only one who would understand was Molly. She was playing too. She quickly grew distracted, playing with her dollies. Melony was easily distractable at the moment.
And a certain yogurt girl headed toward her after-school job at the mall...''