Stepping in front of the monitor and looking down, I browsed which of them I was interested in. There were many. Some were realistic to the modern day and others were fantasy based. Even cyberpunk and steampunk settings were available. I was most interested in one of the sci-fi worlds. There was a world where humans were almost able to travel around the galaxy. However, there were 3 alien races that were coming over to the planet. Whether or not they were nefarious and whether humanity would side with or against a faction was all up for the Players to decide. That was great. There was a restriction however. Since it was a particular setting, your character had to be one of the 4 races. That meant that I had to leave my drider form behind. It would have to wait until I went to another world. The 3 aliens races that appeared in the sub-world were the Trokkal, Staulir, and the Osans. There was a full description of the races, but the motivations of each race were not going to be revealed to us until we decided to play. I read all of the races out loud. Suzie leaned in closer to hear as I spoke.
The Trokkal were a silicone based humanoid species. Sexually dimorphic, there were male and female Trokkals. They were cyan and were between 6 and 8 feet tall. As a silicone species, they did not have to breathe oxygen to live. They came to the base set up on one of the human planet's moon and they seemed willing to trade and exchange information in the region of the galaxy. Instead of hair follicles, they had various formations of silicone crystals. The Trokkal all had the ability to to rotate any part of his body at high speeds. The effects of this turns their limbs into something akin to a drill. This enhances their hand-to-hand combat capabilities significantly. Next to come introduce themselves to the humans were the Osans. Also silicone based, the Osans were the bitter enemies of the Trokkals. Osans were sexually trimorphic. It was pretty cool. They had male, females and an intersex variety. They were between 5 and 7 feet tall with magenta bodies. They also wanted to trade with the humans and exchange information. Osans had the ability to turn fluid and reconstitute if damaged.
Osans and Trokkal were from neighboring, rival planets in a far off corner of the galaxy. They were very different culturally and hated each other. It did not get into much detail about why that is. I guessed that that was important to the main lore of the game. Trokkal were a strict patriarchal and spiritual society with a rigid heirarchy. Osans were a scientific based matriarchy divided in multiple different loosely federated tribes. They were pretty evenly matched in combat. While the Trokkal had high damage and could pierce the bodies of the Osans, the fluidity and reconstitution made them hard to kill. On the other hand, it was hard to overcome the Trokkal's masterful skill of combat, even with tools or weapons. They could just destroy it with a single finger-drill. The drills could pierce solid titanium. Osans, on the other hand, could slip through an inch thick gap. Those races both sounded really interesting. Obviously, if we picked one race, we would have to be able to be on our toes if the opposite race was around us. The third race, the Staulirs, came to the base from a totally different direction.