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749. Iridescent Sun: Pizza

748. Julian Bites Off More than He

747. Iridescent Sun: Ricky reflects

746. Iridescent Sun: Julian the hun

745. Jenny Lilly and Artemis see th

744. Lucas Gets the Implications...

743. Lucas tries to understand the

742. Lucas learns more...

741. Iridescent Sun: Revelation

740. What does the future hold for

739. Iridescent Sun: A period in sp

738. It Turns Out Lucas is Human To

737. Iridescent Sun: E-life

736. The monster is ... where? and

735. Say a Prayer...

734. Read or else...?

733. Meanwhile, in the library...

732. Maxwell's Games with Ernest

731. Iridescent Sun: E-cosystem

730. Turn Back the Clock - Water

Iridescent Sun: Pizza

on 2012-10-06 23:25:44

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Julian kicked himself a little at this- very surreal, and what was ultimately a very dangerous situation. He had heard of transformed people with actual real power but never experienced it directly. Hiro for instance, was one of the strongest he had seen when it came to creating novel and new software. It was hardly a 'super power' like in the comics, and was quite reasonable in the context of a fusion between hardware and software-

but this was completely different. An angel with the power to warp reality as she pleased...

Julian struggled with the concept briefly and gritted his teeth. A fight like this was not worth a measly $75... hell, it wasn't a fight worth getting into period. He decided he had to talk his way out and gave his best wolfish smile to the beautiful angel-girl. "Oh hey, I think we got off on the wrong foot..." he said while taking just a slight step back into- the lunar surface?

"You pulled a knife on me. You are not getting out of this," said the angel quite crossly.

Julian didn't hear her though. He was staring at the Earth. A distance so great, against an inky black space glittering with a million stars. Focusing on the planet, he could see the silvery strands of cloud across the entire blue orb n the sky...


He was no longer on Earth. The Angel had taken him to the moon... "...Oh... my... God..." The wolf felt himself collapse, as he breathed in the dust of the lunar surface. This was so wrong, on many levels. How was he even breathing? Was this creature that brought him here even human, or a real angel... a god? Given the abilities she had shown, she might as well be.

Hiro sat nervously at the table of the pizza restaurant. He couldn't wait to see Maxine. He knew he had made a bad impression her but... maybe this could be used to make up for it. His little sister was enjoying an arcade game just nearby and he could easily keep an eye on her. It was not long before the curious white furred cat-girl entered the restaurant.

Hiro waved her over a little nervous. "H-Hi. I'm glad you came," He said smiling. He tried his best not to stare at her body like before, but did a simple cursory look at the way she moved.

Max glanced around a bit with some nervousness. She had not gone out since her transformation. This was... a new experience. She was wearing a simple blue dress covering her torso, though her pawed feet and hands were bare. "Well- I just wanted to be outside a bit," admitted Max- though suddenly she felt a little guilty. It almost sounded like that was just an excuse... but technically that was the truth. She certainly wouldn't have gone to see Hiro herself if not for that E-mail... not that she didn't like him- well- even that was hard to decide.

Hiro's systems seemed to do some kind of analysis of her facial expressions. The cybernetic humanoid blinked as he was suddenly provided statistics on how nervous Max was. There was even a sensor analysing her tone as a lie detector. Hiro turned that part off... it just felt wrong to do any of that to someone he was trying to be friendly with. "So- what pizza would you like?"

"Umm... can I have some Tuna on mine?"

Hiro tried his best not to smirk, but it probably was on his face. "Is that a cat thing?"

"I always liked Tuna before," said Max shaking her head.

Hiro gave a little smile. "Well lets share it then. The high sodium might be good for my wet-ware."

At this point his little fairy sister, Hitomi, breezed next to them on the table. Her pink wings letting a gentle glow of dust fall behind her. "Hi! I'm Hitomi." she said happily.

Max blinked. "Oh- how cute. Hello Hitomi."

Hitomi blushed a bit. "Um- you're prettier 'en me miss cat," said the little girl shyly.

"I'm Max." she said introducing herself.

The pizza arrived and for a while the three ate and talked about their changes. Max realised one thing though... it didn't look like Hiro was aware she used to be male. She wasn't sure if she should say. He acted so casually and normal to her, from that first nervousness he had. He was still awkward and stumbled on a few words but... he wasn't treating her as 'one of the guys' but as one of the girls. It was a very strange experience to her. Max had always been rather relaxed in conversations and was generally the listener, but Hiro seemed to want her to engage in conversation more- was it to find out more about her?

"... so that's how I changed into a cybernetic thing," sighed Hiro.

Max blinked. She had completely missed that part and didn't want to admit it. "How do you feel about it now?"

Hiro shrugged and was about to answer when one of the restaurant staff came by. He appeared to be a fox creature and looked very apologetic. "Excuse me.. er.. sir..."


"I am sorry to ask this, but... one of the patrons is a little uncomfortable by your appearance. Would you mind if we moved you to one of the private booths? I am really sorry."

Hiro sighed and glanced around. His cybernetic eye detected what he assumed had to be an unusually tense individual.

"That's not really fair," said Max a little annoyed.

"It's okay" said Hiro. "I... was going to be heading out anyway."

The fox looked even more apologetic. "Please- let me give you a free coupon for your next visit if you wish to come by. I am honestly very sorry about this. We just want everyone to be happy here, and..."

"It's okay," said Hiro feeling all the more embarrassed. He wanted to get angry but... there wasn't any point. He called over Hitomi who ran towards him, as he picked up the young child in his artificial arm. She giggled gleefully, used to being handled by him like that. The cybernetic sensors he had detected a sudden burst of huge tension in those around him, as he held the delicate young child closely to him- though surprisingly, he felt no tension from Max now. She seemed the most relaxed she had been since they started talking.

"See you around Max. Maybe... another day?"

The cat girl thought about it. "Maybe I can walk with you?"

"... Um. sure."

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