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748. Julian Bites Off More than He

747. Iridescent Sun: Ricky reflects

746. Iridescent Sun: Julian the hun

745. Jenny Lilly and Artemis see th

744. Lucas Gets the Implications...

743. Lucas tries to understand the

742. Lucas learns more...

741. Iridescent Sun: Revelation

740. What does the future hold for

739. Iridescent Sun: A period in sp

738. It Turns Out Lucas is Human To

737. Iridescent Sun: E-life

736. The monster is ... where? and

735. Say a Prayer...

734. Read or else...?

733. Meanwhile, in the library...

732. Maxwell's Games with Ernest

731. Iridescent Sun: E-cosystem

730. Turn Back the Clock - Water

729. Iridescent Sun: Iridescent sc

Iridescent Sun: Busman's Holiday

on 2012-10-06 02:50:35

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Venus and Lucas appeared on a meadow. A short distance from it, Lucas could see several apple trees.

Venus smiled lightly.

"Come. We'll take the scenic route. I suggest you have a taste of the apples. You won't find better ones anywhere."

"Wait..." - Said Lucas. She noticed something.

I'm not see-through. I'm here. Why?

Venus smiled, as if guessing Lucas's thoughts.

"My dear angel..." - Said Venus - "Avalon is no longer part of your world, true. But it is by no means gone. It is just resting, like some of us gods... It will awaken soon enough. However, while it doesn't, we can visit by ourselves some of the sacred places here..."

Venus walked. Lucas followed, after picking up some apples.

Venus and Lucas arrived at a small shack. It looked remarkably well-maintained, given that it seemed to house a blacksmith's workshop.

"Is this... Is this where..." - Lucas paused, not sure how to phrase the question.

"Yes. This is where your sword, Lucas, Excalibur, was forged..."

Venus seemed to concentrate. An image appeared. A blacksmith chose a perfectly ordinary piece of metal and heated it. Lucas couldn't really see anything special about the process - though she did find it at least somewhat interesting, being an RPG geek.

Until a beautiful woman walked in, carrying a bottle of water and pouring it into the slack tub.

The blacksmith looked at her strangely. She smiled to him.

"This sword you're making. I will buy it myself as soon as you are finished with it."

"Very well..." - Said the smith - "But why did you pour more water into my slack tub?"

"Oh, good sir..." - Said the woman, smiling just a bit - "I shall pay double if you do not ask questions."

The smith shrugged and finished his work.

He quenched the sword, bracing for the steam that would come...

...but didn't.

"What the..." - Muttered the blacksmith as he removed the sword from the slack tub.

Lucas gasped.

The sword had come from the slack tub looking as if it had been polished. Moreover, Lucas recognized that sword.

It was her sword.

"It was quenched in the water element, Lucas, yes..." - Said Venus.

As the sexy woman of the image left with her newly acquired sword, Venus gestured for Lucas to follow her. The two followed the woman up to a lake.

THE Lake - Lucas realized.

The lady's clothes and looks changed as she walked on the water, carrying the sword. She disappeared.

"The rest" - Said Venus - "Is history."

Excalibur, the sword that can cut through fate. Quenched in the Orb of Water itself. And I am holding it. - Thought Lucas.

"Venus... Wait. Arthur had the sword sent back..."

"Indeed he did." - Said Venus - "But the sword is part of you now. Besides, the situations are different. Lucas, I want you to know you can visit here when you wish. However, I ask you not to disturb the inhabitants of the villages here. They are still asleep..."

Lucas nodded.


Venus suddenly looked to the side. She seemed annoyed at something.

"What is it?" - Asked Lucas.

"The same one that tormented Lilly... Lucas, it's not fair for me to ask this of you, but this one fight won't really be a problem for you... Can you help me with something?"

Julian couldn't believe his luck. He had gotten to photograph an angel woman exercising in the park. She was quite attractive and very fit, and even had a long bracelet on one arm that made her look more exotic.

He called Ricky.

"Hello, Ricky? Yeah, I found your angel woman. I took four pics of her... And she's really good... I'd say seventy-five bucks a piece?"

"HEY! I'm worth AT LEAST an even hundred!" - Shouted a voice behind him.

Julian looked back at the angel he had been photographing.

Said angel smiled at Julian.

"I'll call you back." - He said as he turned to Lucas.

The angel girl looked quite sexy, and was unarmed.

This was a particularly empty area of the park.

Now, someone more common might well choose to run away. This was Julian, however.

"Back off, lady..." - He snarked,

"No, I won't, until you explain to me why are you taking sexy pictures of me without my permission AND THEN SELLING THEM FOR A MEASLY SEVENTY-FIVE BUCKS!!!"

"I warned you..."

With that, Julian jumped at Lucas, who dodged with ease as he attacked.

"How appropriate, you fight like a cow! Wait, no, you didn't SAY anything yet. Dammit, where's the banter?"

"Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!!!" - Julian got more and more enraged as he kept attacking Lucas.

"Come on, man, some banter here! What about Inigo Montoya stuff? Like, pretend I killed your father, and shit..." - Said Lucas, laughing.

Julian couldn't take it anymore, and finally drew a pocket knife.


"You're crazy!" - Shouted Julian, getting more enraged.

"Yeah, but I get to say this one..." - Said Lucas. "You call that a knife? " - She smiled and her "bracelet" moved into her hand and reformed into a sword - "THIS is a knife!"

Julian still had enough sense to try to run away by now, but a quick leg sweep tripped him over. When he turned around, Lucas was already upon him, smiling like a lunatic.

"Well, Toto..." - She said in a singsong voice - "We're not in Kansas anymore..."

The surface underneath Julian seemed... sandy. And it had gotten dark really quick.

He looked around to see what looked like the Lunar surface.

What the fuck...?

"So." - Said Lucas, smirking - "Was my Crocodile Dundee impression any good? Well, you'll get to tell me later, after I decide what to do with you, Julian..."

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