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739. Iridescent Sun: A period in sp

738. It Turns Out Lucas is Human To

737. Iridescent Sun: E-life

736. The monster is ... where? and

735. Say a Prayer...

734. Read or else...?

733. Meanwhile, in the library...

732. Maxwell's Games with Ernest

731. Iridescent Sun: E-cosystem

730. Turn Back the Clock - Water

729. Iridescent Sun: Iridescent sc

728. Lucas Goes Merc

727. Who you gonna call?

726. "Die Hard" In A Library

725. Iridescent Sun: Silent magic

724. At the Agency...

723. Iridescent Sun: Secrets

722. Adam faces her future...

721. Iridescent Sun: Natural develo

720. Jon and Mikey talk...

Iridescent Sun: A period in space.

on 2012-09-24 15:11:41

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Anneza... couldn't look directly at the sun.

The space girl just stood there in the void of space, while her silvery clothes acted with little gravity to conceal her modesty and her eyes cast downward- as if- as if she really was forced to just submit to this force. She didn't even know why she had thought if she felt she would gain an answer here. The sun was silent to her.

It all started when she woke up and... realised she had menstruated.

She was having a period.

The panic that gripped her was unfathomable. Even in the void of space, she felt pain and discomfort, and just wanted it to stop-

She was probably the only creature that the sun had changed, that could actually go to the sun, and demand an answer... So here she was, at the midway point between Mercury and the sun, the closest she dared go to that great ball of fire. In theory, she might be able to achieve orbit around the sun, but because it was so massive she did not try. Being tethered to Mercury ensured she would not fall in that direction- and was a comfort she didn't want to let go.

As always, in these places where gravity between large bodies cancelled each other out, there was often a small asteroid. It had probably been there since the formation of the solar system. Of course, she could not leave any footprints here. Her strange floating force, just didn't leave any trace she had been anywhere.

A sharp pain from her abdomen forced her to her knees, as she cried. She resisted the feeling to beg for mercy against this, she knew there was not going to be any mercy. Being along in space, millions of miles away from anyone was about as isolated as it can get. The only life was on a planet where everyone hated her.

your parents love you though

That was true, she thought. Of course, they were her parents. They had to love her, no matter what she did. She couldn't live like this though, could she?

She allowed her body to turn, aligning herself to the distant glow of Mercury. She only had to wait a few seconds. She could feel the rising pull of gravity, as the planet locked onto her. She reached out her hands, as if embracing the planet, as it snatched her from the embers of the fiery sun. In an instant, she achieved orbit around the planet...

Hello Mercury she whispered. The lack of an atmosphere meant she could see all its creators. It was such a sad world in her mind. So isolated, and rarely thought about. Yet it moved so wildly from the Earth. Achieving the alignment between Mercury and Venus would take a while. She had to listen to the sound of the planet she needed to go to, and it was somewhere on the other side.

She could just about hear it, singing softly to her- though she was distracted by another cramping pain. This was not fair! She got into a lower orbit around mercury, to short cut to the other side. She didn't feel like spending hours going the long way. Her face was pitted by a little dust hanging around the planet- strange she didn't think Mercury would have any atmosphere at all. Yet there seemed to be enough to at least make her eyes water from the dust.

She heard the sound loudly, and knew this was the point to be at... she did a double jump, avoiding the need to stay at the mid-way point between the two planets. She was only there for a few seconds.

The mysterious planet Venus was below her. Named after a goddess of beauty. The clouds were indeed quite wonderful from the distance, giving an incredibly bright light. So thick, and not even Anneza could see below the coverings. She sighed a little- quite an achievement in space. Right now she just hated anything to do with women. She hated this planet she decided, as once again another pain flared inside her body. Acting quite irrationally, she picked up a few small floating pieces of rock, and just... threw it at Venus. She threw a few more floating rocks, watching as they vanished from her sight, likely to be burned by the atmosphere.

she clutched her stomach as the pain from her period just kept going- but right now she had a target. The planet that was the embodiment of woman. She threw every small space rock she could find. I hate you I hate you I hate you! she cried. Stop this pain stop it stop it!

But it would not stop. She would have to go through it every month... every month... every... single month.

Finally she stopped. There were no more rocks to throw. Exhausted she continued on her journey home.

Anneza, the space woman, listened for the sounds of Earth. It was strange from this position. Earth was a twin planet in some ways, with it's incredibly large moon. The two sounded in concert with each other, the moon actually much louder then it should be for a dead world. If she didn't do this carefully, she might accidentally achieve a moon orbit, instead of Earth orbit. It would be a minor correction afterwards, but right now... she just wanted to go home.

Unfortunately, due to the thick atmosphere of Venus, she had to go on a higher orbit to achieve the alignment to her home. It would take a while before she reached the right spot to achieve light speed.

At another sharp pain and- she wished she had some more rocks.

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