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63. The obvious...

62. Iridescent Sun: Unexpected

61. Iridescent Sun: The innocent a

60. MMore school-day events...

59. Iridescent Sun: Tests and Ques

58. What happens...

57. Lots of things happen...

56. Iridescent Sun New morning, ne

55. Back at the TV station...

54. Animated...

53. Iridescent Sun: Foxy survival

52. Toby snaps!

51. Iridescent Sun: sensational r

50. Jay has an ace up her sleeve..

49. Iridescent Sun: Tears of Angel

48. The conversation continues...

47. Iridescent Sun: Television and

46. Sarah makes the call...

45. Iridescent Sun: A family unite

44. The return home...

Iridescent Sun: Couple Reunited

on 2011-03-29 05:19:55

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Toby clung to her wife's arm as she stepped into the sun, gripping it tightly. Please, God, she thought, don't let anything awful happen to her. Please... She held on for a moment, afraid to see what was happening, but finally she pulled back and looked at Terri.

Whether by coincidence or due to her presence, Toby wasn't sure, but her anime aura was spreading to her wife - much further than it had on normal contact. It grew up her arm and branched out when it reached her torso. In a matter of seconds, Terri was completely enveloped, and now appeared as an animated version of herself. But that wasn't all - another change seemed to be starting.

For starters, her face was changing - getting a little less soft and a little more angular. Her shoulders were squaring up, too, and Toby noticed her breasts beginning to recede. She smiled sadly - they weren't the pert, sag-less marvels Terri had had when they were first married, not after fifteen years and two children, but she was going to miss them all the same.

Terri seemed to be getting a bit taller now. Toby hoped it didn't go too far, as she was already shorter than her wife. Her face...there was no denying it, it had taken on a definitely masculine look. The blue-haired girl sighed. She was...they were going to be man and wife again, boggled the mind even to think about. Terri gasped in a changed voice and clasped her...his hands to his groin, and Toby's mind reeled again.

There wasn't really much left to go after that, and soon Toby was looking at the final form of her former wife. Terri was (thankfully, Toby thought,) not the kind of ultra-effete pretty-boy character she'd seen pictures of on the Internet. Instead, he was very much an everyman-type figure; average height, with a wiry but sturdy-looking frame, short brown hair, and a pleasant if unremarkable face; kind of a "scruffy but loveable" look. She smiled; she...kinda liked it.

Terri turned from examining his new body and looked to his former husband. "Toby?" he asked. "What...what do you think?"

Toby hugged him, trying to sort out the sudden emotional rush of knowing her spouse was safe but looking at another significant change in life. "It''s scary and strange and I don't think I fully comprehend it yet," she said. " is all of this, and I'm just so glad I have you with me..."

Terri smiled and embraced her.

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