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51. The Tentaman

50. Detained

49. Second Stage

48. Brett Wins

47. The MPAX

46. Shot Down

45. The Sages

44. A Reunion

43. Conquistadores

42. First Daughter

41. Homeward Bound

40. Royal Court

39. Comradery

38. Going Out

37. Religious Quest

36. Recommendations

35. My Consequences

34. The Catacombs

33. Initiation

32. Lessened Buffs

A Rift in Space

avatar on 2021-06-19 09:10:05

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Just as the officer began to unlock the back for us to get in, a large rift in space at the other end of the parking lot opened. It looked as though the strange green creature simply walked out of a black void. "What the hell is that shit!? I can't keep up with this place!" Shayne shouted. Kody looked at it with great alarm. "That's at least a C-class Tentaman. It uses tentacles to catch you. If it does, it uses slime to melt your clothes and then lay their eggs in you. Those eggs can kill a person. Especially when new Tentamen babies come out of their chests." Kody said nervously. "Can you fight it alone? We can back you up." I said. The other Players nodded in agreement. If this was the world we found ourselves in, we could test our skills. Kody just looked from us to the creature. "I think... I should take care of it. If I use Form 2, I might be able to kill it. I'm not stable with that form, so... it will only last 5 minutes. You can try then." he said, finding his resolve. He stripped down to his underwear like Carter did last time. "If I don't make it back. Tell my brother I love him. And to keep studying." he said somberly.

Activating Form 2 made the nanomites cover him with the cybernetic ninja armor. Kody then sprung to action, shooting and kicking the monster. The monster roared as it sprouted 4 tentacles and charged him. Everyone hung back to see him in action. It was like a game cutscene in a way. Kody was quick on his feet and could pack a real punch. The nanomites also formed ninja stars that he could throw at the Tentaman. The green creature was also strong and was bale to use the tentacles to defend himself and keep the MPAX agent at bay. It was when the Tentaman threw a car at him that the tides turned. Kody was caught full on and was knocked down. That left a large opening for him to be grabbed around the waist by a tentacle in his vulnerable state. The stunned Kody was dragged closer for the monster to attempt to use him as an incubator. Two more tentacles restrained his arms and legs while forcing him into a compromised position. He was bent over with his ass facing the smiling green menace. I watched as the fourth tentacle dripped green slime onto the armor. It burned and sizzled.

Kody tried to struggle in vain. "Your slime won't work on my armor. I still have a minute left." he said confidently. That only meant that he would be utterly defenseless in a minute. After half a minute of struggling had elapsed, he was able to cut his arms free by forming razor sharp blades along his arms. The creature screamed in rage and pain as the tentacle fell to the ground. With a fluid motion, Kody bent down into a tumble and cut his legs free. He hacked and slashed at the multiple coils around his waist with the blades. Only then did Kody roll a safe distance away. It was a great maneuver. "That was a real close one. You almost had me for a moment." he said with a bubbly smile. That was when the disc began to blink multiple times and the armor receded. He was soon left in just his red and black striped briefs. He coughed and doubled over. "Aww man! So close!" he said as he looked up at the foe with a wince. The Tentaman still had one more tentacle to go. It groaned before screaming a shrill battle cry. Suddenly, all the cut tentacles grew back as if they were never damaged in the first place.

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