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50. Detained

49. Second Stage

48. Brett Wins

47. The MPAX

46. Shot Down

45. The Sages

44. A Reunion

43. Conquistadores

42. First Daughter

41. Homeward Bound

40. Royal Court

39. Comradery

38. Going Out

37. Religious Quest

36. Recommendations

35. My Consequences

34. The Catacombs

33. Initiation

32. Lessened Buffs

31. Gestation

The Resettlement

avatar on 2021-06-17 11:03:09
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2021-06-17 11:03:44

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That sounded really farfetched to me. However, it was a game. Anything could be possible. That being said Carter and the others were clearly uncomfortable being in a camp with so many nonhumans. While there were many of them that were racist or human supremist, they all understood that they were fellow members of the faith. The agents continued with their talk. Aliens formed rifts in space and came through them. They needed to fight in order to save humankind from all sorts of destruction. It did make sense that Carter would be hostile to us. "There was an attack in the city. My parents were caught in one and died." he said. The others had similar story. There is an obvious tragic story arc for these child soldiers. I guessed that this is the easy backstory of the world. Father Conrad and Sir Gifford then told them about the continent known as Ether. They had a lot of trouble wrapping their modern heads around it. It was no different than the others understanding the new world they were now in. Their culture shock was just too great. It did make me realize all hope of getting a title was dashed.

Realistically speaking, there was no way the people of Gurfast was going to accept an invasion. There was also no way a force less that 300 strong was going to take on a full nation in a full scale war without drawing some attention. I had no doubt that the Sages would be watching closely. They already suspected that Brett and Paul were among the pilgrims. There was probably a way to do it, but it would take a long time. Koby smiled and said "If we tell the others at the office about this, we are going to be the ones in charge of this. I can smell the promotion already!" Lincoln rolled his eyes. "More like we'll be the grunts policing all of them by ourselves." he groaned. He was not as optimistic as Koby. They looked at each other before turning to us. "Stay here. We are going to speak to our superiors about this. We will come back and tell you what you need to do." Lincoln said. They all left the camp and went back. Among us, I looked at everyone and said "There's no way we can do this. We should either head back to Ether or continue on to find a new land." The other Players all agreed. It was bad.

A couple of days passed before Lincoln and Kody returned. I asked where Carter and Alex were. No real answer was given. The only reason I could see was that the two were chosen for their skills in public relations. We were told that the humans were going to be resettled in a temporary camp. The forest was part of a nature reserve and was able to be settled in. It was a reasonable ask. The camp was going to be in a rural area between two cities. I asked what would happen to the non human. There was an obviously long pause. "People are... not going to be happy to have xenomorphs around. Especially strong ones with strong powers." Kody said gently. "Well we have to live somewhere. Maybe we could join MPAX like you guys." Lincoln said "I don't think so." "What were your orders then, huh!?" another Player asked in a really confrontational tone. He was a Crystal Elf. "We were told to take you with us to the office. We are not going to hurt you, but you will be detained for a teeny tiny bit." Kody said with a smile. I just groaned. "Fine. No handcuffs though. We didn't do anything wrong." I said.

The pause told me they thought that was not the case. I was firm though and we were all set to follow Kody. Lincoln was fine with that and went with the other leaders to start organizing the humans. Among the Players, there was Paul, Brett, and me. There was also 2 half orcs and 5 elves. My centaur children, Yola and Shayne were also with me since we were a family. That amounted to 15. Kody smiled and asked all of our names. He shared his name and talked about himself. He was 17 and had a brother that was 14. He shared some stories about them and lessened the tension as we made it through the forest. It seemed it was just in his nature. Luckily, we did not have any murder hobos among us. It took a few hours before we got to the parking lot of the visitor's area to the forest. There was a paddy wagon and an officer waiting. "Sergeant Kody. Are these all the xenomorphs?" he asked. Kody nodded and said "Yep. Be careful on the roads today, Officer Isaac." The officer was an adult. It must mean UNS gave rank. He looked at us and said "Shouldn't they be cuffed?" Kody said no.

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