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34. The Catacombs

33. Initiation

32. Lessened Buffs

31. Gestation

30. Xenios Mounts

29. Clearing It

28. Klaka Kingdom

27. A Fort

26. Resist Arrest

25. Some Join

24. Chegow Republic

23. Initiation Quest

22. Cultish Assault

21. Romantic Quests

20. Soup Kitchen

19. Father Shalo

18. Ranking Up

17. First Child

16. Devilish Boon

15. A Classmate

Getting Skyshatter

avatar on 2021-06-14 07:09:57

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He needed something from the catacombs under the cathedral, but there was a relic that he said would be very useful. "I think it would raise the town's spirits to see it." It would be really good to use it for my own purposes. The relic was as good an excuse as any. I smirked and said "If I get it for you, you have to sign off on an extended demonstration to allow me to take it to Ablinas. I have to get there, but Chegow wants me and my friends dead." He looked concerned. "There is no way I can grant that for you. Why on Ether does the Chegow Republic want you dead!?" he responded in alarm. I had to tell him about the slavers and the fighting. He looked at me with a pursed face. It looked like he was going to refuse. "So... you want me to let you have a relic to make sure they cannot attack you without invoking the wrath of the Church of the Sky, huh? Can't do it." I sighed. He then smiled. "Get me that relic and I can send you all off with an official title of envoy and mission for the church. Sighed off by the holy Bishop Penelope of Estlor no less." he offered. I just rolled my eyes. I would have to trust him.

I took the mission to go down into the catacombs. I had Jamie and Mikey looked after by a put upon looking Micah. I decided to do this mission solo. The centaurs did not look pleased, but I took them out my party anyway. I just wanted to know how far I could go with what I had. It would be bad for me in the long run if I did not have an accurate measure of how strong I was now. Micah told me where the entrance was and I nodded to him. The relic I was after was the Skyshatter, a flail used by a saint. I went down with my greatsword equipped. It was not that hard of a dungeon. Since I had the holy symbol and the blessing, only the most persistent of the undead even spawned. That was a bit of a double edged sword. There were not as many enemies, but the ones that did were usually strong. It took me a long time to get my way past them. If I had been a paladin, I could probably just turn all of the weaker ones away from me using magic. When I finally got down to the area of the dungeon with the relic Micah was looking for, that had the mandatory boss fight. It was a warrior bound to the relic.

Using magic to stun and bind, it became an annoying problem. My large equine body gave him a large target for that ability. I would be stunned and he would attack with serious damage. "Damn it! This is pissing me off!" I said out loud to no one in particular. My hooves, now only doing double damage, was only able to stagger him. That stopped his stun at least. I could combo it with my sword, but I was not doing much to him unless up close and personal to him. I was given some basic health potions to help with the dungeoneering by Micah, so I made sure to down them while he was staggered. That was what was keeping me standing as I continued to chip away at its health bar. Eventually, I was able to deal critical damage and it lined me up for a strike right where its heart should have been. That was finally enough to defeat him. The warrior just grunted once and fell backwards. When he went down, I reached for Skyshatter and began the long trek back up. There were already some of the undead monsters I had killed respawning, but I just obliterated them all with the flail. It was very quick.

Micah and everyone else was waiting for me when I reached the basement level of the cathedral. I handed Skyshatter over to Father Micah, who examined it closely. He ran his hands over it. "This is the legendary Skyshatter alright. Saint Israfel used this to beat back the demonic horde led by the fallen angel Tabris." he said with an amused smirk. "Let's go see Bishop Annabelle. She will be pleased with you." he instructed. We followed him to her chambers. He knocked on the door and we waited for her to answer. When she did, Micah told her everything. She did not look pleased. "Micah. You can not disturb the rest of our greatest heroes just on a whim. I am disappointed in you. We will speak about this more later." she chastised him. He did not look happy, but he had no choice but to accept her words. "Yes, Your Beatitude." he sighed. She then turned to me. "Hearing about the strife you and your friends have had to overcome is heroic and laudable, but it simply is what is required for new converts." she said. I just looked at her expectantly. There had to be something else for my work.

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