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33. Initiation

32. Lessened Buffs

31. Gestation

30. Xenios Mounts

29. Clearing It

28. Klaka Kingdom

27. A Fort

26. Resist Arrest

25. Some Join

24. Chegow Republic

23. Initiation Quest

22. Cultish Assault

21. Romantic Quests

20. Soup Kitchen

19. Father Shalo

18. Ranking Up

17. First Child

16. Devilish Boon

15. A Classmate

14. Bloody Battlefield

Joining Up

avatar on 2021-06-14 07:08:30

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The ceremony was pretty cool. They pulled out all the stops for us. I was pleased with it and we each got our holy symbol placed around our neck. It was a golden chain with a silver cloud amulet. Bishop Annabelle took a moment and looked at me. She smiled and said "You have two rambunctious children on your hands. I can see that they will be powerful warriors one day." I was going to have to keep an eye on them for a bit. I did not want them causing a scene. Apparently, they would belike this for a week or so. There was no way I would risk getting into encounters on the road. Especially with the huge bounty we had in Chegow Republic. Last time, a whole company was sent after me. Now that I was greatly lessened from the hot spring, I would not survive a battalion of knights and soldiers. We simply had to wait in the town until we could socialize the new centaurs. There was an inn where we could stay in until something happen. I could also do some work for the townspeople while I was here. The general opinion was pretty low for my party. Some public relations could certainly help us out.

Going around the town and helping was hard at first. No one wanted to let us do anything for them at first. That all changed when a girl went missing. We were only able to figure it out from the town gossiping about it. That allowed me to accept the quest to go look for her. She was outside the town where the gnolls hunted for their prey. I knew that she would not last long by herself out there. They saw her and tried killing her. She ran and hid. We were able to kill the gnolls after her and find the girl. We brought her back to town and her family thanked us. They were tailors. They asked what they could do to repay us. "Just keep going around telling the others how much we helped you. I don't think they like us all that much. It would help us so much if you did that." I told them. They nodded and began telling people about how nice and good we were. Going to church regularly also boosted our relations in the town. Slowly but surely, the townspeople began to come to us with quests. They were mostly a group of fetch and escort missions, but that was to be expected. They were only civilians.

By the time the children had calmed down and been tamed a bit, the townsfolk had a begrudging respect for us. A courier came up to us and handed me a letter. It was a from Shayne. His father was ill and he needed a special cure from an alchemist to cure him. That was a big ask. I would need to return to Arkton, get the cure and deliver it. This was most likely the mission to unlock the fiancé relationship with him. That was pretty interesting. I went to see Bishop Annabelle about it. There had to be a way to get get passed them with immunity. I entered the cathedral and asked Father Micah to her. He yawned and said "I can see if she will see you today. All you guys have been pretty busy lately." I nodded. "Mikey and Jamie needed to get used to living with humans. In the meantime, I could help out others in the town. I'm a mercenary after all." I told him. He just smirked at me and said "Hmm... I see. Do you want to want to help me for a bit? I could use a mercenary." I asked what he needed from me. The young cleric placed his arms behind his head. "Help me with the catacombs and I'll help you."

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