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8. Catechism

7. First Day In

6. Enter the City

5. Pay a Bribe

4. Arkton Kingdom

3. His Choices

2. Expanding the Horizions

1. The Future of Gaming

Learning More

avatar on 2021-06-04 09:05:05

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Joining a church had its perks. You would automatically get a buff to diplomacy between characters of the same religion. You also could spec into the higher level classes such as nun, paladin, inquisitor, missionary and high priest. They wanted it so players from any beginner class would have a place in the church. As a soldier, I would be able to become a paladin. It would be nice to have a back up things in Ablinas did not work out. Besides, joining a church would provide free healing from a cleric once per week. More than that cost 100 lin. To be a cleric, one had to join a church and pass their tests. The dev blog addressed concerns of prospective players that the cleric class had too many hurdles. In response, they referred to the setting. "You are appearing in a new fantasy world. You don't have the innate ability to commune with their gods unless you decide to join and follow them. The same with the sorcerer class." it read. Having religious solidarity with people would hopefully help cut down on a bit of the racism. Daniel perked up and said "I can teach you all about our faith!" I had an in now.

Quietly turning me away was not something he could do now. He groaned as he pinched at the bridge of his nose. "Fine. You can catechize this centaur if you wish. But you will do it inside the church." he said firmly. Daniel just took my hand and started to lead me inside the church. It was a simple church with sets of pews separated by an aisle. On the walls and ceilings were sculptors and paintings of their god and other saints of their faith. It looked really cool. "Don't worry. I'll teach you all about it." he said. A pop up asked if I wanted to learn about the Church of the Sky. It opened up a large menu with several pages about the church. There were rites, services, perks, and class opportunities. In order to join a church, you had to go to one of them and do some quests for the clergy. Once you did about five quests for the church in general or a clergy member in particular, it would unlock the initiation rite quest line. They would sponsor you joining. From there you had to follow the quest line. At the end you became a member of the church. Each Church had their own quests, but it followed a similar pattern.

Mass was once every week, but certain churches had a Mass everyday if it was staffed highly enough. Going to Mass rose your Piety stat and that helped as it was a big requirement for the religious classes. It also boosted up the opinion of those in the community. Each church had their own tenants and that informed the buffs they gave you. For example, the Church of the Sky believed in being as free as the air. If you got their holy symbol, it gave a nice 10% buff to agility and a 5% buff to speed. They only gave holy symbols to the faithful. Even if you looted a body for one, it would only work if you were faithful to that religion. Like I already knew, they gave out one free healing a week. I did not know that it rose to 3 if you were a religious class. The class opportunities were pretty much what I already knew from the forums. You had to be level 10 and have a certain amount of piety. You also had to give a nice donation to the church. After I closed the menu, I was was given a test. Daniel gave me 10 questions and I got 8 of them right. I got some exp. as well. An elder cleric passed by and looked at us.

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