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8. A Brush

7. First Battle

6. Fighting for our Lives

5. Blackweb Forest

4. ... I could still have fun

3. ... it had been so long since

2. ... it was the first of many y

1. The Future of Gaming

Grooming Time

avatar on 2021-06-02 20:36:53

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Seven humans had died. I was the first to riffle through their stuff to see what they had dropped. They had swords and axes. It was not like we would be able to keep any of them, so I was not interested. Money meant nothing since we could not spend it. One of the dead women had a soft bristle brush on her. That was very interesting. My smile attracted their curiosity. "What is that?" Astra asked. "This is a tool humans use for grooming." I explained as I brushed Kibo's hair. He seemed confused until the rhythmic pattern enthralled him. He was a monster with animalistic instincts after all. He could not resist a good grooming session from a trusted ally. I then went over to brush Zetsubo. Astra pushed him out the way after a minute and demanded I brush him as well. Zetsubo hissed in displeasure, but we all knew there was nothing he could do to the bigger drider. I brushed him until he was fully satisfied. I offered it to Aether, but he scoffed. "Like I need some human tool." he said dismissively as he began to walk away. I smirked as I followed him. I ran the brush along his abdomen. He flinched.

Aether looked over his shoulder at me in shock. "What did you just do to me!?" he snapped. I began to rub small circles on his abdomen. I could see all the shivers run up his spine. I kept it up for a couple minutes. The sensations must have been intense. His spinnerets began to jolt as webbing splattered behind him. He moaned pretty lewdly as well. "Stahp iiit!" he mewled. I continued as I was too enthralled to just let him go. Just as I was finally going to pull away from him, he instinctively began to thrust his abdomen back at me for more contact with the brush. More and more webbing on the ground fell from his sporadic spinnerets and he was nearly orgasmic as a final shock ran through his body. Aether collapsed in a tangle of his own limbs. The others were just as transfixed as I was watching him. He was struggling to catch his brush on the ground. We saw a large puddle of jizz pool under him. A look of shock was on all of our faces. Driders and spiders did not have dicks. They just released their sperm onto special webbing and plugged it into a willing female for her to fertilize their eggs.

This would mean that Aether actually blew his load because of the brushing. He looked scared as he quickly got to his feet. His cum dripped from his under carriage. "Oh no! What am I going to do if I get called by a female for a mating session? I'm going to be killed!" he said. The others looked concerned as well. "Why did you do that to him!? He's going to be in danger now!" Astra said. I looked at them and said "It is going to be okay. We're young and not well known. I'm sure he can make more before anyone even thinks about approaching us. That will be it's own problem. Not many males survive the mating, you know." Everyone looked at bit nervous at that. "But... all of us want to mate and continue the colony with our offspring. Everyone knows it is the greatest honor to be chosen." Kibo mumbled. The others seemed to agree with the sentiment. Being the odd one out might make it harder for the group to trust and rely on me going forward. I had to say something. I nodded and said "That's true, but it doesn't mean that I want to see any of you die too soon. If it comes to that, I have a plan."

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