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285. The New Whatever

284. A new employee

283. Zoe Tries to Recruit Heather

282. A walk in the park

281. Miss Fine is a Bit Peckish

280. Jay and Zelda

279. One of the Guys

278. hanging out with the nerds

277. Downward Falling Dog

276. Martin is tense

275. Karyn is at a Crossroads

274. Found

273. Hall Spotting

272. Meanwhile with Athena

271. Miss Fine; Linda feels her ag

270. Linda's age

269. Questioning

268. On the way to Miss Fine's offi

267. Linda Has An Outburst, Again (

266. And You Thought the DMV was Bo

Miss FIne: The New Whatever

on 2016-12-18 21:10:37

668 hits, 48 views, 0 upvotes.

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Steve had been missing for over a day. But oddly enough, no one had raised an alarm, or been particular concerned about it.

Steve had followed Tiffany to a mysterious day spa....where they hadn't been expecting him.

By the time Steve was let out and told to go into the salon and ask for Cindy, that thought wasn't in his head. In fact, very few thoughts were.

All he knew was that he was supposed to start his new job and he was very excited.

As he entered and asked to speak to Cindy, all the employees gathered around him, squealing excitedly as if he was a Barbie Doll they wanted to play with. They wanted to do his hair, his makeup, his eyebrows, his hands and feet...

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