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284. A new employee

283. Zoe Tries to Recruit Heather

282. A walk in the park

281. Miss Fine is a Bit Peckish

280. Jay and Zelda

279. One of the Guys

278. hanging out with the nerds

277. Downward Falling Dog

276. Martin is tense

275. Karyn is at a Crossroads

274. Found

273. Hall Spotting

272. Meanwhile with Athena

271. Miss Fine; Linda feels her ag

270. Linda's age

269. Questioning

268. On the way to Miss Fine's offi

267. Linda Has An Outburst, Again (

266. And You Thought the DMV was Bo

265. Zoe and Linda arrive at school

Miss Fine: A New Employee

avatar on 2016-12-18 20:57:41

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Meanwhile at the salon Cindy, the manager, picked up the phone.

"Like, hello? Cindy speaking."

"Ah Cindy good. I have some good news for you." The voice on the other end said.

Cindy let out a little squeal. She always liked it when her boss had good news.

"We've found a new employee for you."

"Is she hot?" Cindy asked. She felt that looks were everything when it came to hiring new staff. You could always learn on the job.

"He is very hot." The voice replied. "Although I doubt that he'll be as hot as you Cindy."

Cindy blushed and giggled. She loved it when her boss gave her compliments.

"Oh wow! He sounds, like, so totally awesome! I can't wait to meet him."

"Well you shouldn't have to wait too long." The voice said. "We've sent him on his way so he should be with you shortly. Oh, his name's Steve by the way." With a click the line went dead.

Cindy put the phone down and then gathered the girls around her.

"OK girls! I have good news. We've got a new employee coming soon."

The girls squealed. "Oooh! Is she hot?" One of them asked.

Cindy nodded. "Now I want everyone to be nice as possible, like, when he gets here." Cindy said.

The girls started gossiping as they set about cleaning the store.

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