Sarah entered the guidance office. "Sarah, how nice to see you again. What can I do for you?" She asked.
"I'd like to talk to you for a moment," she said.
"I have a few minutes, come in," she said, graciously gesturing.
After Sarah settled in, she began to speak. "I have a problem. All of my friends, even my boyfriend...they don't understand why I decided to quit the cheerleading squad."
"Well, why did you?"
"'s what other people wanted me to do...not what I wanted. And they should accept that, or they aren't really my friends."
"Well, it is in times like this you find out who cares about you and who doesn't. But...give them a little time to get used to the idea before you give up on them."
"That's good advice, Miss Fine."
"I do try. And I like your outfit. You look so...relaxed in it. I think you've found something that suits you."