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47. The Photo Lab

46. Tina's Memories Are in Flux, A

45. Tina Thinks about Sarah

44. The Original Sarah

43. Tina Wakes Up Early

42. Zoe Meets Sarah

41. Jon has No Leads

40. Karyn Tells Jon About Zoe Shep

39. Zoe Shepard

38. Sarah Looks Even More Like Fam

37. Morning

36. The Voices

35. What Kind of a Name is Biff?

34. Biff Apparently As Amnesia

33. Biff

32. Biff Gets Grabbed

31. Deja Vu

30. Jon Runs Into the Mist

29. The Van

28. This is Tina Shepard's House

The Workmen: The Photo Lab

on 2015-12-22 00:51:03

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There was a door to the room. She checked it. It wasn't locked. However, outside all she saw was what looked like a giant warehouse full of items. Neatly stacked barcoded boxes. Furniture.

She wandered around and came across a room that looked like some kind of photo lab. There was no one at work in it, but she saw several images on the screen and next to the printing machinery.

They were pictures of her. They must have been photoshopped, because it was her as she looked now, with people from school she sort of recognized, but didn't know.

There was a laminated school ID that even though it had recently been printed, looked as if it was months old.

Tina made a surprised noise. They were...manufacturing a lie. A lie about her.

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