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146. Jon continues with his day

145. Getting things back to normal

144. Meanwhile, back at Jon's...

143. Karyn’s first night

142. Zoe wakes up

141. Others continue to change

140. Zoe and Athena meet up for a "

139. After school

138. How are some of the others doi

137. It worked

136. Jon focuses on his plan

135. How Karyn's spending her day

134. Third hour epiphany

133. On with the day

132. Knockout

131. Getting to class

130. The next morning

129. Meeting the new Sofia

128. Jon slips into Zoe's room

127. An unexpected encounter

Chick for a Dick: TGIF

on 2021-03-12 08:50:29

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Jon bounded down the stairs with a spring in his step. It was Friday, he’d woken up to an amazing orgasm delivered by one of his two love slaves, and he was master of all reality.

“Life is good,” he mused.

Hearing the footsteps pitter-pattering down the stairs, Amanda rushed to the landing to investigate the commotion. Her tailed wagged wildly and her mouth was open in a wide smile, showing off her enlarged canines and her long tongue hung out of her mouth. The dog-girl welcomed Jon with and enthusiastic bark and jumped up on him and he came off the stairs, pressing her eight human breasts against him. Jon laughed and gently pushed her down. He patted her blonde hair and scratched behind her elongated left ear, causing her rear leg to kick in response.

“Morning, you silly bitch,” Jon said with a smile. Amanda looked up at him with her bright blue eyes. There was no intelligence or understanding behind them, just a pet’s adoration for its owner. Jon thought back to the previous weekend when the dog-girl had been screwed by his neighbor's golden lab. As amusing as it was to see the once proud manipulator get treated like a bitch in heat, Jon really didn’t want to deal with any puppies at the moment. He pulled his hand away from Amanda’s ear and pulled out the stone.

“Well, let’s just make sure. I wish Amanda was not impregnated when she had sex last Saturday.”

Jon was a little surprised that there was no flash. He could only assume that Amanda was not knocked up in the first place, so apparently the stone didn’t need to actually grant the wish. Either that, or the stone wasn’t working for some reason. That could be a huge problem. Jon decided a test was called for to make sure the stone was not on the fritz.

“Amanda, honestly, what was the name of the girl who wished you to be like this?”

Immediately, the vacant expression left the altered girl’s face and it contorted into a scowl. “It was that fucking bitch Miranda! She couldn’t handle a little competition and turned me into this freak!”

Jon let out a laugh. “Still angry about it, are we?” Amanda snarled, baring her transformed teeth. “Of course I’m still upset! I’m a dumb dog and I got fucked by some mutt!” Jon smiled. “Well, I wouldn’t want my precious pet to be unhappy,” he said mockingly. “I wish Miranda was my dog-girl pet like Amanda.”


Instantly, another dog-girl was now sitting on her haunches next to Amanda. Where as Amanda had been a stunning blonde with huge tits, Miranda was more of a girl-next-door cute with her auburn hair styled in a pixie cut. Her limbs had been replaces with those of a dog and her new fur matched her original hair color. She had eight breasts running down her torso, but they were significantly smaller than Amanda’s and speckled with freckles. Otherwise, she had the same tail, teeth, tongue, and ears as Amanda. And like the blonde, Miranda had a vacant stare behind her light brown eyes.

Jon looked his new pet over and had an amusing thought enter his head. “I know what will make the two of you best friends. I wish dog-Miranda had a male dog’s equipment between her legs.”


Miranda had once again been changed, now possessing a noticeable sheath and balls between her rear set of legs. However, the rest of her had remained unchanged. The feminine face, multiple breasts, all the rest of her was female except for the dog dick she now sported. Since both creatures lacked any understanding of human speech, neither Miranda nor Amanda reacted to the wishes Jon had openly spoken in front of them.

“There, now you don’t need to worry about any neighborhood dogs anymore, Amanda. And Miranda, you won't need to worry about Amanda stealing your boyfriends anymore because, well, now you're the boyfriend.” The transformed girls tilted there heads as they looked up at him, trying to comprehend what he was saying but only understanding their names. Jon laughed again and gave them both a quick pat on the top of the head before moving down the hall towards the kitchen, both pets following behind.

Well, the stone still works, Jon thought with satisfaction.


“Hello, Master!” Lisa called sweetly as Jon stepped into the kitchen. Amanda and Miranda rushed past him and quickly scoured the kitchen floor for scraps. Finding none, the two darted out back into the larger house. Maybe I’m going to end up with puppies after all Jon thought as he took a seat at the breakfast table.

Jon’s attention shifted to Lisa who was moving towards him carrying a plate in one hand and a glass of orange juice in the other. But the food she was carrying was the last thing Jon was interested in. Lisa has returned herself to her normal body, but she was still completely naked except for a neon pink latex apron that was stretched tightly over her massive tits. She smiled seductively at him as she placed his breakfast on the table. Jon realized his jaw was hanging open and quickly tried to regain his composure. Lisa let out an intoxicating giggle from his reaction. “You like?” she asked, spinning around to show off her scantily covered body and bare ass to her Master.

“You need to ask?” Jon responded, reaching out to caress her wide hips that were peeking out from behind the unusual garment. Lisa hummed in approval and moved forward, closing the distance between them enough to allow Jon to reach her ass.

Jon drank in the intoxicating beauty before him. The soft warmth of her firm ass in his hand, the inviting hums of pleasure she uttered from his touch, the scent of her hair mixing with the sweet smell of the waffles she had placed in front of him. She was his perfect little toy.


Jon’s gaze moved down to the apron that was squeaking and creaking against Lisa’s bare flesh. “Lisa, do I need to ask where this came from?” he asked as he groped her chest through the latex. Lisa giggled again. “You’re so clever, Master. Toy wasn’t much help to me making breakfast as she was, but I couldn’t bare to see that latex body of hers go away quite yet. So, I found a happy compromise.”

Jon looked closer at the apron. The vivid color was almost overwhelming and he almost had to look away to keep from straining his eyes against the sea of pink. But he continued to stare, looking for any indication that this... thing had once been a person. That it was in fact alive. But Jon saw nothing that betrayed the garment's true nature. If Lisa had chosen a more subtle appearance for her fellow slave, Jon would have never been the wiser.

It took a moment to register that the kitchen had gone still. He realized that Lisa had stopped humming and gyrating under his touch and was standing still before him. And he also realized that he had been staring at the part of the apron that was directly over Lisa’s tits. Jon briefly wondered if Lisa thought he was checking her out. Lisa smiled warmly. “I know it was not me you were admiring, Master, but Toy. I know all of your desires and I knew that you wanted to inspect her closer, so I was trying my best to let you see her without distraction. But, I’ll take it as a compliment that it’s here,” she said, moving her shoulders together and deepening her cleavage behind Toy’s altered form, “that you chose to focus.”

Jon smiled wryly and looked her over. As he took the first bit of his waffles, he played with the idea of having Lisa drop to her knees, scoot under the table, and suck him off until he blew his load all over her pretty face and the fetishized kitchen garment she had transformed her best friend into. The thought caused his dick to tentpole in his pants with anticipation while Lisa caressed her latex clad bosom and bit her lower lip, clearly aware of his unspoken desires and waiting for his command to pleasure him.

No, he thought. If he wanted to get to school on time, he’d have to start getting a move on. Not that he was worried about classes or grades. Quite the opposite. But there were always new transformed girls to spot around school. And if not, he could always have fun making some more. He absentmindedly patted his pocket, reassuring himself that the stone was there. He looked at Lisa and mentally commanded her to start cleaning, but to show off her body as she did.

Lisa’s lustful expression immediately melted away, replaced with a chipper smile as she spun dramatically to flourish her apron and headed towards to stove to begin cleaning. She swayed her hips exaggeratedly and looked over her shoulder to make sure her Master was enjoying the show.

Jon devoured his pancakes, eager to head out. “Lisa,” he said between the final bites, “have you seen Zoe this morning?” Lisa turned to face him and clasped her hands in front of her daintily. “I have not seen her, Master. But I did hear her walking past the kitchen door while I was cooking your breakfast. I believe she was heading towards the garage.”

Jon rolled his eyes. And now Zoe is just helping herself to my cars. I better get go see which one she took. He stood up and Lisa quickly moved to his side. She softly dabbed the sides of his mouth with a napkin and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Have a good day, Master.”

Jon wrapped his arms around her and kissed her fully, giving her ass one more firm squeeze. “After your chores, feel free to play with your Toy,” he said, running his finger down the pink apron. Lisa giggled. “Thank you, Master. I already have so many ideas for what to do with her.”

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