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145. Getting things back to normal

144. Meanwhile, back at Jon's...

143. Karyn’s first night

142. Zoe wakes up

141. Others continue to change

140. Zoe and Athena meet up for a "

139. After school

138. How are some of the others doi

137. It worked

136. Jon focuses on his plan

135. How Karyn's spending her day

134. Third hour epiphany

133. On with the day

132. Knockout

131. Getting to class

130. The next morning

129. Meeting the new Sofia

128. Jon slips into Zoe's room

127. An unexpected encounter

126. Jon wakes up

Chick for a Dick: Chick Wants to be a Dick

on 2021-03-02 17:41:42
Episode last modified by ekempo5000 on 2021-03-02 17:42:03

3254 hits, 182 views, 7 upvotes.

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The sound of a throat being cleared roused Jon from his slumber. He gave a soft groan as his eyes fluttered opened and gave a stretch as he felt his muscles coming to life. Suddenly, a new sensation flooded him as he felt his balls tense before a massive orgasm ripped through his body. His body clenched and his hands reflexively flew to his crotch only to meet a mass of soft flesh and hair. He looked down to see Lisa in her compressed form planted firmly on his dick. Jon shuddered as he released a massive load into the transformed girl.

The orgasm was amazing. Jon didn’t know if the sensation was because Lisa had been riding him all night or was a side effect of his wish, but it was an incredible rush of pleasure. Jon collapsed back into his plush pillows and basked in the wonderful afterglow. That’s when his gaze turned upwards and he saw Karyn standing next to the bed with an amused look on her face.

“Morning,” she said smugly.

Jon turned bright red. He was completely naked, sprawled out on his bed, and had just woken up cumming into his highly transformed love servant in front of his best friend. He gave a short, nervous laugh before looking for something to cover himself with. “Um... how long have you been here?”

“A while. I tried calling but got no answer so I figured I should head over. Luckily Nadia let me in.”

Karyn pointed and Jon’s eyes fell upon a second figure standing a few feet from the foot of his bed. She was wearing a bright neon pick dress which was reminiscent of a particular doll. This was fitting because Nadia had been transformed into a life sized doll version of herself. Her bronze skin had taken on a rubbery sheen and her dark hair was artificial and unnaturally stiff as it reached all the way to her ass. Her elbows were locked in a bent L-shape while her hands were set wide open with all of her fingers held together. It was almost reminiscent of when Jon had previously turned Lisa into a realistic sex doll except for the face. Her face was literally painted on with her unblinking amber eyes seeming slightly oversized in a stylized doll esthetic and her mouth frozen in a pleasant, but vacant, smile. She now completely embodied Lisa’s new name and position for her: Toy.

Jon’s thoughts were overloaded with Karyn’s unexpected presence, Nad- Toy’s new body, and the lingering orgasmic haze still dancing in his brain. From his crotch, Lisa let out a whine. “Aw, Karyn! You ruined the surprise!” Karyn looked at Jon with a bemused look. “What have all of you been up to after I left yesterday?”

“Don’t look at me! The way they are now was all her idea,” Jon said, pointing down towards Lisa. “Uh huh,” Karyn replied with playful condescension. Jon rolled his eyes and returned to looking for something to cover himself with. Unfortunately, his sheets were still in a pile on the floor. Besides Lisa’s bizarre body concealing his crotch, he was fully expose. “Oh, by the way,” Karyn said offhandedly as she held up a small object, “this was just sitting on the floor when I came in.”

Jon’s blood ran cold. It was the stone.

Silence filled the room. Jon didn’t dare breath. Karyn had control over all of reality in her hand. She could do anything. Hell, she may have changed everything single thing about him while he was asleep and he wouldn’t realize it. He was at her mercy.

“Seriously, Jon, you should really be more careful.” Jon was caught off guard when Karyn casually tossed the stone to him. He clumsily caught it and looked from it to Karyn and back. “Karyn, honestly, did you make any wishes just now?”

Karyn’s eyes glossed over and her posture relaxed. “No, I didn’t.”

Jon let out a sigh of relief

“You’re right, Karyn. I should be more careful. Lisa, um... Toy, I am ordering you to keep the stone away from anyone other than me and whoever I allow to use it. Right now, that’s just Karyn. If you see anyone else with it, do whatever you can to get it away from them.”

“Of course, Master!” Lisa complied with an enthusiastic hop. Jon grunted as the movement caused Lisa to hump his overstimulated dick. Toy only gave a sharp nod, apparently unable to speak at the moment. “Uh, girls, how about you give Karyn and me some privacy, ok? Lisa, you are allowed to change your body again.” Lisa obediently lifted herself off of Jon’s penis with a slick pop and slid off the bed before crawling across the floor on her four boobs. Toy turn stiffly and obediently followed behind her Mistress.

“Thank you, Master, but I think I might stay this way for a bit. I want to see how much fun we can have like this. Toy, get the door.”

Toy used both of her stiff hands to grasp the door knob and clumsily opened it for Lisa who quickly scurried through it and down the hall. Toy then passed through and turned to close the door behind them. Jon could have sworn the expression on her face seemed slightly more genuine, and eager, than it had been a moment earlier.

Karyn watched after them and shook her head in amusement. “‘Toy,’ huh?” she asked looking back towards the bed. Jon felt his blush deepen but said nothing as he quickly got up and recovered the discarded sheets off the floor to covered himself with.

“Don’t worry, Jon. It isn’t anything I haven’t already seen. Heck, it isn’t anything that I haven’t already been. “

Jon felt himself harden slightly, recalling the thrill of having Karyn as his penis. He silently shuffled over to his closet, hoping Karyn hadn’t noticed his arousal. Unknown to him, Karyn had indeed noticed, but decided to keep her observation to herself. A couple minutes later, Jon exited his walk-in closet fully dressed.

“So, how are you doing?”

Karyn wanted to tell Jon that she wanted to be his dick again. That she wanted to fuck girls all day. That she wanted them to use the stone to give them everything they wanted. Reality was theirs to control and play with at their whims and she want to experience everything that had to offer!

But what would he think? He’d probably believe she’d lost her mind to want to go back to being just a body part. She instead gave a nonchalant shrug. “Just getting back into the swing of things, I guess.” Jon nodded and an awkward silence filled the room.

Karyn looked at her watch. “Um... we should probably get going. I figured we could go to school together. You know... like we used to. Or still do. Or... whatever.”

“Yeah, I guess. Unless you want to skip?”

“Tempting, but my parents were already kinda mad I skipped half a day with you yesterday. Or at least that’s what happened in this version of reality. Besides, nothing will help me get back to normal like getting back to my regular routine, you know?”

Jon held back a sigh of relief. As much as he would have loved spending the day with Karyn, he didn’t know if he could continue to hide that he wanted her back in his pants. Perhaps she was right and they should just have a normal day. Or as normal as things can be these days, he thought with amusement as he thought about all of their transformed classmates.

“Ok. Give me a few to get ready and then drive us out there,” he said as he gestured towards his bathroom.

Karyn flashed him a smile and nodded. “No problem.” Jon returned the smile, stepped into the bathroom, and closed the door behind him. Karyn’s eyes went from the closed door to the nightstand beside Jon’s bed. Right where Jon had left the stone. For a second time, she was left alone with the powerful artifact. She took a step towards it, almost as if it was calling her. She hesitated, her indecisiveness battling within her. She could have anything she wanted...

Slowly, Karyn reached out and gingerly picked up the unassuming stone. She looked it over, almost shocked that it in no way gave an indication of the incredible power it possessed. That by holding it, she possessed. She looked back at the closed bathroom door, the faint sound of Jon urinating on the other side filled her with numerous memories of when she had been between his legs in that very same situation. She looked towards the hallway door, where Lisa and Nadia had just stepped through, and recalled so many times they had pleasured her erect body. She could almost taste the cum erupting through her.. but now, there was nothing. There was, of course, the hot emptiness between her legs. The desire rising in her. But her body, her human body, was not made to register the encompassing pleasure she had experienced. That she missed. That she needed.

She had wanted to tell Jon, but she was afraid what he would think. But, with the stone, she could have what she wanted more than anything. And she would help Jon understand.

"After all, turnabout is only fair," she whispered as she stared at the stone.

The flush of the toilet caused Karyn's heart to skip a beat. Shit! She'd have to make this fast! "Um, ok, uh, I wish that for the next week I was Jon's dick the way I was last week but this time I was the only one who remembered it!"


Jon stepped out of the bathroom and surveyed the empty bedroom. The room was empty, the stone laying on the bed where he left it. He briefly has a sense that he was missing something, but he quickly put the thought out of his head. It was time to get going. Jon crossed the room and picked up the stone. He smiled as he held it, ready for another fun filled day. He felt his dick harden in his pants. It had a mind of its own, but he couldn't help but revel in the growing arousal. He stuffed the stone in his pocket and headed for the door, unaware of just how much he had been changed. However, Karyn was also unaware of just how much her wish had changed him.

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