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9. Marketplace

8. Meanwhile (Alt)

7. Jon Says No

6. What the....

5. Hello - My Name is Jon

4. Retreating to Where?

3. Family Retreat

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Family Retreat: Marketplace

on 2012-07-16 06:22:06

919 hits, 55 views, 0 upvotes.

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Jane Gibson wandered around. She was looking to meet a professional type. She'd had to cut short her career plans to have children, and while she'd never regretted it, it would be nice to have a different perspective for a while.

It was certainly hard to meet people in this crowd. It was polite, but some people seemed to want to make rash decisions, other seemed to be shopping around, knowing they might miss their chance.

"You look like you lead an interesting life," a voice said.

She turned. "Yes...I'm a mother of three kids. What about you?"

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