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8. Meanwhile (Alt)

7. Jon Says No

6. What the....

5. Hello - My Name is Jon

4. Retreating to Where?

3. Family Retreat

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Family Retreat: Meanwhile (Alt)

on 2012-07-03 13:30:11

1474 hits, 97 views, 0 upvotes.

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Meanwhile, as Jon talked to one stranger, Patricia Lynch and her eight year old daughter, Vicky, wandered around the room together.

"Mommy...I want to go home," Vicky said.

"Don't be nervous, sweetie. Remember what I told can have whatever adventure you want."

Vicky pouted. It was her mother who wanted to come here, not here. Why did grownups always drag kids to places they didn't want to go?

She held her mother's hand, looking around at all the different types of people.

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