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12. Mary‘s special task

11. Jon meets Mary

10. Meeting Mary

9. The curse spreads

8. Jon needs help

7. Jon: Queen of Bimbos

6. First Bimbo Signs

5. Bimbo possession

4. Releasing curses

3. Out of control wish

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Mary‘s special task: Getting intimate

on 2021-02-02 10:48:46

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Jon didn’t know what was going on. On the one side he saw this grotesque woman, formerly Karyn, and was worrying what she was going to do. On the other site an immense arousal was building up in him and he was afraid what he would do if he stayed. To avoid any risk he decided to quickly leave.

He turned around ready to dash to the door but instead of running he normally walked out of the living room and instead of turning to the front door of the house he made his way directly into the nearest bedroom.

Tztztz, you don’t want to leave before Mary finishes her task don’t you?

Jon lost control of his body. The slowly entered the bedroom, removed his clothes and layered down on the bed. Shortly afterwards Mary entered the room as well, already completely naked. She stopped in front of the bed and directly looked at Jon.

Let me show you what I can do.

She then slowly started to move her breast using her hands.

Instantly, Jon felt like hypnotized. The slow and steady movement of these huge fleshy mountain we’re pulling his mind blank. His arousal was increasing second by second by second and his penis was already rock hard. Mary crawled onto the bed. Jon eyes still fixed on her boobs. She closes the distance between them and then reached her target.


She then slowly lifted her body on Jon effected penis. As soon as it entered her wet slit, Jon came back to senses. Realizing what is happening he had the brief thought of trying to escape but as he looked above him he realized there is no chance. He was directly staring into Mary‘s boobs.

She saw that he was coming to senses and again started to move her breast. Quickly Jon was back in the trance like state. Then she started the real work. Slowly, she moved up and down. Grinding on Jon’s penis, which seemed to grow even more. She moved faster, feeling herself getting more wet.

Candy‘s plan worked. When Jon has an orgasm all the sexual energy will be absorbed into Mary which in return will make Candy stronger. Then she will have the strength to take over Jon anytime and not long after she will be able to completely push him aside.

For minutes now Mary was working Jon‘s penis. She was in sexual ecstasy as well but always focused on her target. Then she felt Jon penis starting to pump. Any minute now he will release his load.

Jon was close to cumming now. He could feel it. The orgasm building. Already he never felt something like this before. Such an intensity. Then time stopped for a second. An explosion of feeling overcome Jon and then his penis twitched and released his huge load.

Finally. Mary felt it. Jon‘s load was flowing and she was ingesting it all. Every single drop. And every bit holds energy that will help her Queen to rise. Mary did not stop the grind. She wanted all.

Jon couldn’t comprehend what was going on. Mary did not stop and neither did his penis. It was still shooting out loads and loads of semen. It completely exhausted Jon and when it finally stopped he passed out.

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