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11. Jon meets Mary

10. Meeting Mary

9. The curse spreads

8. Jon needs help

7. Jon: Queen of Bimbos

6. First Bimbo Signs

5. Bimbo possession

4. Releasing curses

3. Out of control wish

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon meets Mary

on 2021-02-02 08:01:10
Episode last modified by Deviantgmx on 2021-02-02 08:35:25

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Karyn didn’t live far away from Jon’s home, therefore I did not took him to long to get there. He was afraid of what surprise Candy planned for him. For the whole way she didn’t speak a word and left him alone. However, he knew she would intervene as soon as it becomes necessary.

Karyn‘s parents didn’t seem to be home as their car was not on the driveway. As usual Jon ringed the bell.

It‘s open. Just come in!

The voice Jon heard was clearly female but didn’t belong to Karyn.

Slowly Jon entered the house. He makes his way from the entrance until he reaches the living room. There he saw a blond woman sitting on the couch.


The woman slowly raised and started moving around the couch. Jon could see that she was wearing a grey shirt, one that he know Karyn owns. However as soon as the woman completely circled the couch Jon knew that this was not Karyn. Apart from the blond hair nothing on her resembled Karyn. Her face was coated under a thick layer of makeup and her lips seemed a little swollen. Her overall figure looked similar to Karyn‘s with one big exception: Her breasts. They were gigantic. Jon had never seen breast’s as big as the one he could see now. The looked like to overinflated beachballs were hidden under the grey shirt, stretching it to its limits.

Slowly, the woman closed the distance, seductively swaying her hips as she walks.

„Wh..Wh...Who are you? Where is Karyn?“

Karyn is fine no worries. I am Mary, it’s a pleasure to meet you Jon. My queen gave me a special tasks for you.

Mary bends forward, putting a finger on her lips and giving Jon a wink. He didn’t like it but her enormous breast were turning him on. Especially after she bend down giving him a different view of her inhuman assets and then straightening up, brushing his chest with her breast.

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