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30. Who is Ms. Holloway?

29. What is Sarah Thinking

28. Delia catches up to Jen and Ka

27. The mall meeting

26. The next morning: Jen

25. End of the first night

24. Interlude: Sarah reflects and

23. Jen and Karyn continued

22. Jen and Karyn try damage contr

21. Randi gets home

20. Jade explores

19. Trinity's new life

18. Interlude: Sarah and Ms. Hollo

17. Delia's new life

16. Nadine arrives home

15. Group discussion and parting w

14. The assembly ends

13. Jay and Jon are converted

12. Randy's conversion

11. Trevor's conversion

Who is Ms. Holloway.?

on 2014-05-15 16:54:45

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Jenn raced home, through the door and up the stairs to her room, to her dresser, hidden in a bra she decided she would never use, was the stone, and on it Jenn made a simple wish.

Who is Ms. Holloway?

To which the stone answered, "I am"

Jenn was confused, and asked, what do you mean? The stone had never talked in first person before.

You asked for something interesting to happen, a broad wish, one which could be answered in any way I wanted to. I wanted to be real, to be a person, to have the desires and purpose of a human. So I made myself so. Yet once I was free of this form, I still had my need, my directive to grant wishes, I was not yet fully personified, and so I had to find a person to be. I looked out over the city to find a host for my purpose, a wisher who needed their need fulfilled. I attached myself to a shooting star and found the person who made a wish closest to my other self, the stone you now hold, so that I could exist. This was Sarah McMillan, she wished for a cheerleader team. It is my job as Ms. Holloway to give her this, through magic or otherwise. This is why you can not change back. My magic is immutable, and her magic is my magic.

Jenn didn't know what to do with this information. It seemed both impossible and too real, and sadly because of what she had already seen too likely.

Jenn asked the stone, so am I talking to Ms. Holloway now?

No, She is me but I am not her. She is an autonomous person, real in every way that I can make a person, she had memories, ideas, thoughts and judgement. Her mission is to give Sarah a Cheerleading team, of which you are a part.

That was not what I wanted when I wished for something Interesting to happen! Jenn responded in anger.

You never said, and you must admit, this whole situation is now very interesting.

Jenn asked, so where is Ms. Holloway now?

The stone told her. On a date.

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