Everyone went home after the cheer that Athena had lead, there wasn't too many people left after many of them had run off, and all the girls had new life's to explore. Athena told the troupe to go home and meet up the next day at the same time to practice, she had become the de-facto leader, even to Tiffany, who was now the only original team member. Athena now had an air of authority to her, like somehow, even though they were all kind of lost in there new lives, she knew what to do and how to handle it. It's not like any of them were unhappy, they all bubbled with excitement, but in the same way that you do when you walk through the gates of Disney world. It's really cool and there is this great magical world in laid out for you, but knowing exactly where to go and what to do, that was where Athena's leadership came in, and they all followed happily.
Zoe watched as they all left from just outside the field. She had run as soon at she saw what happened to Athena, fearing it happening to her too. She watched as Athena got in a car with Biff, smiling as she flirted with him.
Zoe was standing next to Tom Wells, who had also run off when Randy got turned into Randi. The strangeness of the adventure cutting through the clique divide, Tom asked Zoe if she thought it was over, when Randi started walking over to them.
"Tommy, can we talk?" the tall athletic brunette said with a voice that was sweet, but with a certain power to it.
"Wait." Tom said, before she got too close. She was stunning, her eyes, a shade of electric blue stood out, something that Randy never had. Randy had hazel eyes. He didn't know what he was dealing with.
Zoe, backed away a bit. "Get lost." she tried to back up Tom's unease, a feeling she shared.
Randi turned her attention to Zoe. "Zoe right? Can you leave me and Tommy alone?" she told Zoe, using her size and tone of voice to say, "or I'll kick your ass" in the subtext. Then switching so smoothly and quickly her attention to Tom. "I've gone though some changes...and I want to look them over with Tommy here." This she said implying everything that a guy would hope it would.
"Are you still in there Randy?" He said the name like a man's name.
"Awww, don't say it like that honey" She cooed. "Call me Miranda, if it helps, and yes it's still me. I'm just like this now." She said as she moved towards Tom, smiling ever so slightly. Moving closer with a sexy stride. "Do you like it?"
Zoe could tell that Tom did, and so could Miranda. Tom turned to Zoe. "I think I'll be alright. We should talk this out, right?" He looked at Miranda "We used to be best friends."
"still are" she interjected. turning to Zoe, with an air of condescension in her voice. "Run along, I'm sure Athena wants to talk to you."
"fine." Zoe said, suddenly thinking of Athena and what the changes might mean of her, and started walking towards home. Behind her she could hear Miranda tell Tom to hold her.