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85. Being Judges

84. Fifth Heist

83. Tease Leopard

82. Fourth Heist

81. Crossroads

80. Team Name

79. Recruit Him

78. New Team

77. Leaderboard

76. Flee Prison

75. Escape Cell

74. Survive

73. Readying

72. The Jail

71. Dirty Games

70. The Defense

69. The Evidence

68. Dismiss Charges

67. Lawyering

66. It Works Out

Taking Out Competition

avatar on 2020-11-29 12:56:27

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Going out was pretty crazy. The townspeople were on edge from the latest heist and White Cape being critically injured. All of the streets were clear. Since I was not busy with much I wanted to see if I could do something crazy in the game. I checked the encyclopedia and saw that the judicial system was pretty standard. At the lowest level of the system where the local special courts of law. They were for the Family, Juvenile, Probate, Small Claims, Municipal and Criminal courts. Next were the trial courts if it was not able to be settled there. Next was the court of Appeals and then, finally, the Engkep Supreme Court. Since it was a monarchy, there was a appointment process by the crown. The candidates had to apply and be vetted. The current monarch was not too concerned about the judges and left it all up to a committee. It was not too crazy to think they could be bribed. I applied online with the names Eho Stramazon and Rosn Hematoza. There was no age requirement. There was only the level 8 Law skill requirement. Both of the applications were accepted and I was put on a waitlist.

I bought another two sets of professional outfits. One was a black button down shirt with a yellow vest and black suit jacket. The other one was a red vest on and white shirt and a red jacket. I also brought two types of glasses for them. One was red framed with rectangular lens for Rosn in red. The other was a rimless pair for Eho in black and yellow. Since I wanted to do something crazy, I made two centaurs come out of the pool of ooze. I put the seal on them along with the clothes. I could see on the menu that there was a waiting list. It was not good. Even if it was shorter, I would be chosen from a group of the candidates near the top. To speed up the process, I could wait for an assassination or twelve. I had Eho take Jacob's upper body with yellow gauges and Rosn took the upper body of Sergei. Now I just had to go and get fake IDs for them and get on with a killing spree. William knew a guy that could do it easily and he got them ready in just a day. Both names were an anagram for the phrase "Hartman Oozes". I was clever. Now that it was done, I took a naga from the pool and went to look for them.

Needing a weapon for extra protection, I took the red katana that was left over from the sharkman then went on a rampage. As a villain I could set targets for kidnapping and assassination. I put all of them on the list of targets to kill. They were all over the country. Some of the targets on the list were in Love City and Life City. I slithered my way over to Life City. Once there, I used the map to find them. A few of them were lawyers and in their firms. I moved when no one was looking and slithered up the wall into a side window. Once I got inside, it was a easy thing to find my targets and kill them. I then left the way I came and went to the next target. He was in commute to the courthouse. I made it and waited for him. I then killed him on the steps. Now that three names had been killed, it was time to go. I had already caused a big scene in the public. People were screaming and running. That was my cue to dash out of there. I was a few blocks away when I started to hear sirens and was wondering where to go. I went down an alley to wait. When the coast was clear, I went on to Love City. I killed 6 targets there.

Doing this put me near the top. There were no vacancies for any of the trial courts. That could be rectified by going on another assassination spree. If I killed enough of the judges before my clones went down, there would be enough slots to fill that I would be appointed immediately. I had the same in the six centaurs at the lair, I was not going to risk any of their bodies. They were still under the effects of the curse in the uniform. There was also the fact that there was no guarantee that I would win. Any blessed human had an unlimited amount of Qi. Alex and Ash have shown to me time and again that any martial arts master could beat the shit out of me in a close combat scenario. That was not something that I wanted to experience again. I looked at the pool that was filled in 30 and a half hours. It made all the other clones I had obsolete. I decided that all the clones that were not body suits, the R8s or the lawyer personas should just go on rampages until they got killed off. They would target all the courthouses and kill the judges inside. It would help me clean out all the weaker clones at the very least.

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