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17. Sam Flees

16. Between a rock and a soft plac

15. Jon is Angry

14. Jon Tries to Talk to Stacy

13. Sam Tries to Intervene

12. Jon and the Girls

11. Dresses

10. One Little Thing Before the Ha

9. Looking Up

8. Attempted Intervention

7. Things take a turn for the wei

6. Incredulity

5. you have no idea

4. ...they're perfectly normal.

3. New next door neighbours

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

New Neighbors: Sam Flees

on 2015-12-25 15:07:30

2408 hits, 145 views, 0 upvotes.

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"I'm...just going to go home," Sam said. "it's close to dinnertime anyway. I should help get it ready."

Roger glared at Linda.

Sam made a beeline for the door and headed home. She passed Stacy in the side yard and paused for a moment, trying to decide if she wanted to say anything. She wasn't sure if Stacy was really her little sister or not. But it felt like she was.

Sam hadn't realized that, in her mind, she'd already started thinking of herself as a she, or that it had been any other way. What she did know was that Stacy wanted to act as if things were normal. She always wanted that, no matter what she did.

She went inside to help with dinner.

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