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16. Mikey Starts to Change

15. Mikey is the Tutor

14. Stacy Turns Attention to Mikey

13. Turning it All Girly

12. What Game is She Playing?

11. Dolls

10. Jon Returns

9. Playing House is Not Stupid

8. Someone to Play With

7. Things take a turn for the wei

6. Incredulity

5. you have no idea

4. ...they're perfectly normal.

3. New next door neighbours

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

New Neighbors: Mikey Starts to Change

on 2020-10-12 09:33:18

2401 hits, 215 views, 1 upvotes.

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"I'm going to walk my new friend Linda next door..." Stacy said, taking Linda's arm.

"That's a long enough break," Mikey said. "Why don't we get back to your tutoring session?" He said.

Jon frowned. "Stacy..."

She turned. "Yes, Jon?" She asked, innocently. "Did you change your mind and want to play with me?"

"No," he said.

"Well, you are probably too busy, isn't that right?" She asked Mikey.

"Yes, Jon is too busy right now," Mikey agreed.

"You know, Mikey...I like your hair," Stacy said, randomly. "Can you show me how to do my hair like that?"

Mikey reached up, touching his hair self consciously. It seemed to expand as he did, growing down to his shoulders. "Sure, Stacy....but not right now."

"Okay," Stacy said.

"Stacy, are you trying to help Jon get out of his homework?" Mikey said. "You keep distracting me..."

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