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5. The World.

4. Hunters and Hunted

3. Random Options

2. Let's try this out

1. The Future of Gaming

The Way The World Works

avatar on 2020-09-15 19:14:17
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2020-09-15 19:56:18

501 hits, 18 views, 2 upvotes.

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The world of Thehiri was frought with conflict. There were the standard elves, dwarves, halflings and orcs with all their racial traits. There were also Shifters, people who could transform into animals, and vampires as well. It was pretty good. Their conflicts with the humans of the world were numerous and well documented. The historical and grievances ran from casual racism or bad trade deals, all the way to full on war and slavery. Humans gave them all just as good as they got, but after the discovery of gunpowder and rifles, things began to really pick up. What used to be known as no man's land was not easily settled by large cities and castle towns. Temples to all of the human gods rose up over the world in celebration. However, only the artificer class could use them. Masters of unlocking magic in everyday objects, artificers were the supreme inventors. They see magic as a complex system waiting to be decoded and controlled. Artificers use tools to channel arcane power, crafting temporary and permanent magical objects.

You needed to have an Intelligence score of 13 or higher in order to multiclass in or out of the class. I had a score of 7. My highest stat was 11 in strength. Only the elves and humans and the smartest dwarves could reach the high scores. In a way, that was good for some shifters and vampires as they were able to get that smart as well. It then allowed for infiltration. I decided to focus on the shifters since I was one. I was surprised at what I saw. It was a pretty detailed society. There was blood potency and tribe type that determined your abilities. They were:

Shifter Blood Potency

Progenitor (Divine Grant) - No animal soul, 100x stronger than humans, Fully Transform at will
Curse Blood (Magic Progenitor) - Same as Progenitor
Pure Blood (2 parents) - Integrated instincts, 50x stronger than humans, Transform at will, Full transform forced at full moon
Half Blood (1 parent) - Strong animal soul, 25x stronger than humans, Hybrid Form at will, Full transform forced at full moon
Thin Blood (Recessive Gene) - Weak animal soul, 10x stronger than humans, Hybrid Form forced at full moon
Changeling (Infected) Overpowering animal soul, 5x stronger, Forced full transform at full moon

Shifter Types

Lycan: Wolves
Feline: Lions, Tigers
Avians: Ravens, Crows, Vultures
Equine: Horses, Zebras
Insects: Spiders, Moths, Bees
Reptiles: Snakes, Lizards

Tribe Size

Less than 10: endangered
10- 20: normal herd
20- 25: large herd
2-5 herds: small tribe
6-11 herds: medium sized tribe
12-15 herds: large tribe
19+ herds (475+ members): imperial tribe

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