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7. Principality Arariel

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4. World of Vallysuim

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1. The Future of Gaming

Amulet Boost

avatar on 2020-08-20 10:56:22

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Nanael was courteous and a good listener. He had the profession of courier and he enjoyed to delver mail and packages. I struck up a conversation with him. "Hm? Oh, yes. Traveling and seeing the happiness on the face of the people that receive things is a reward in itself." he said when I complimented him. Since it was a mostly clear sky with clouds, I took Mydaiel and Aralim by the shoulders and laid them on their backs. I pointed at the sky and we watched the clouds for a good hour. We started talked about it. They did not really understand what was going on, but I could tell they were doing their best to please me. During our cloud watching, I got the first 3 hour warning. I realized that it was 3 hours to 15 days. That was a pretty long time. I decided to go for another 3 hours. After that I would call it a day. It took several days to get to where we needed to go. I made sure we stopped in every knew area and talk to people and do a couple of fetch quests. Nanael was not very pleased with all the delays. I wanted to see the other people on the plane of Vallysuim.

The classes of people rose from the merchants of our district to knights and vassals to aristocrats and nobles. Eventually we got to our destination in Aalana. This was the second richest district. It was where monarchs and all their families ended up. The riches and most splendid region was where the clergy resided. It was also the seat of the four Cardinal Virtues: Prudence, Justice, Fortitude and Temperance. I loved how there were many palatial estates spread around. There were multiple cathedrals around as well. I was sure that there were personal chapels in each of the estates as well. We went to the cathedral to look for Principality Arariel. The principality had a white man bun and bronze colored eyes. He looked at the four of us in confusion. "I don't know you. Do you have business with me?" he asked curtly. I presented the chest to him and said "Hello. I am Dabriel L'chaim. These are my true friends: Nanael, Mydaiel and Aralim." The three looked at me with a surprised pleasure. I continued saying "Archangel Ophiel in Avalav trusted us specifically to bring this here."

Arariel looked us over curtly before beckoning us to follow him. When we got to an empty cell in the sleeping quarters he locked the door after us. He then took the chest and put it on a small wooden table. He took a key from his wrist and unlocked it. "When I was a Guardian angel, I was caught by a demonic cultist. A party of righteous warriors rescued me. In gratitude, I blessed their weapons and granted my blood to an alchemist. He made a full amulet that could amplify powers based on Celestial energy. He summoned me on his deathbed and granted it to me. Virtue Agla wanted to take it for herself. She called it heresy, but her profession is alchemy as well. I sent it to my friend for a century for her to lose interest and forget about it. Now it is the time to see whether it still works." He held it out to me. I was not too sure about this. It even was a part of the quest line. I had the choice on taking it or not. I decided to pivot. "Since Nanael brought us here in his wagon, he should get the honor." I said as I put it on his neck. It glowed and he fell to his knees in what seemed like pain.

We all looked on in shock as he writhed for a full minute. When he got up the amulet faded. He was also 10 levels stronger. He took it off and gave it to me. I then immediately put it on Aralim. He writhed as well. I then put the amulet on Mydaiel and he grunted. He fell to one knee before. getting up. He was trying to be strong. I respected the effort. When he was done, he handed it back to me. I put it on and the 10 levels came to me at once. I was not hurt at all. With the fetch quests we did leading up to this, I was level 18. Mydaiel and Aralim were both level 16. Nanael was level 13. I handed it off to the Principality. "It seems to work really well." I said. He then wore it and smiled. "I can see that. Since you all have taken part in this, I think you should refrain from returning for a century or so. I have a gift for you and for Archangel Ophiel." He reached into his cloak and gave them golden lilies and a set of four Archangel Exam passes. "When you get back to where you belong you can take the Archangel Exam. If you pass it, you can be granted your own wings to fly."

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